OMG daytime rats eating feed right in front of chickens!

My Three Chicks

May 3, 2021
Seattle, WA
I noticed a rat for the 1st time this week and have been working on filling their burrow holes and keeping food only in the chicken run.
Well I just checked in on the camera in the run (I'm not home at this moment) and look what I caught! In broad daylight 2 rats right in front of my girls! I'm horrified! I thought they only come out during the night! At night I remove all food and water and there is no or very little feed on the floor.

What do I do now?!

I would put something like a milkcrate in the run which rats can get though, but chickens can't, and then set some snap traps under it. (rat size ones)
You would have to just feed the hens, and then remove all the leftover feed for this to work.
OMG! I can't stand rodents! We had a mouse problem this winter, but they only came out over night (it's crazy that bugger is in your run in broad daylight!!) - I had to start plugging up my feeders before I went to bed (I had the Rent-A-Coop feeders - you can purchase caps that fit in the holes).

Then, I bought 2 of these feeders (I only have 8 chickens) and we have no more mice! I guess they way the port is shaped makes it so the mice cant get in (as long as the base is smaller than the feeder and at least 8" high):


The website says they are "mouse-proof", so I don't know if it would work with rats, but these feeders changed my life! It looks like they recently changed the design, too.

Best of luck!! I hope you find something that works!! :fl
Rats and mice can easily jump a lot more than 8" but if your plastic feeder raised up on a smaller base is working that is all you need till they figure out how to get in. But oh my, that price on that feeder is just a little less than a small treadle feeder made out of galvanized steel and hot rolled steel. 12 pounds capacity.
Rats and mice can easily jump a lot more than 8" but if your plastic feeder raised up on a smaller base is working that is all you need till they figure out how to get in. But oh my, that price on that feeder is just a little less than a small treadle feeder made out of galvanized steel and hot rolled steel. 12 pounds capacity.
I think it's the design of the port that keeps mice out (like I said, I don't know about rats, but I know the mice haven't found a way in and its been 8 months). Here's a video that shows how it works. :) I've been very happy with it!

Unfortunately, I'm not sure there are any "perfect feeders". Even treadle feeders have their issues. I just wanted to share what worked for me in case it might be helpful.
I had trapped some actual wild mice and thought I would keep them in a 55 gallon barrel till I had enough to do some testing. They either jumped or crawled right out of that barrel with clean and smooth sides. These lab mice aren't a fair test of this product. Then again, if such a feeder was in place it would be less likely that the coop gets colonized with rodents or at least it would take longer for the colony to build up.

What matters is that it is working for you. That is a win.
I think I would place the mouse traps just outside of the chicken palace. You know they like grain, so a couple of corn kernels, a couple of wheat kernels or commercial chicken feed. If using commercial feed, dampen with water as that increases the scent.
I'd get some Tomcat ☠️ and set it out where the fowl can't each it. Black oil sunflower seeds make a great bait if you go the trapping route.
Thanks everyone. I've been trying some home remedies...put out sticky trap (caught 1 but it managed to free itself!), tried to flood the burrow (didn't seem to work), I've been filling holes up with steel wool and dirt and gravel (but they just dig new holes)...

So I have an exterminator coming tomorrow to put out poison bait.

And for now I have to be outside while I feed the chickens.

I've also ordered 2 treadle feeders. The RentACoop just arrived today. Also ordered Grandpas.

Will let ya'll know how it works out!

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