OMG-my first egg!!!!


5 Years
Mar 30, 2018
I went to let the girls out of the coop this morning and I found an egg on top of the pine shaving bag!!!:wee 1E4A5FA1-832F-47C1-BDC9-F10D8705C522.jpeg
I didn’t think they’d start laying yet!!!! Last weekend I put a litter box in the coop filled with pine shavings but she chose the bag instead :lau
I went to let the girls out of the coop this morning and I found an egg on top of the pine shaving bag!!!:weeView attachment 1476790
I didn’t think they’d start laying yet!!!! Last weekend I put a litter box in the coop filled with pine shavings but she chose the bag instead :lau
Congrats!! I have 2 pullets I can't wait to start laying! I want to see what their eggs will be like so bad. It's always exciting to be getting new eggs. I just have one hen laying right now and I used to have many more. I miss those fresh yard eggs.
Yay!! Congrats on that first egg!!! :woot Its a huge day in your coop for sure!! You will never forget that feeling of finding that first egg. But I have to say for me, it never gets old finding those treasures in the nest box. So....whats for breakfast tomorrow?! :lol:
Grats! My SLW's just started laying last week, and I am waiting on my SL Blue Orp to start as well. Enjoy those eggs:thumbsup

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