OMG! One of my chickens is acting weird!

I'm sorry for your loss

Clean and disinfect everything. Remove all bedding, clean with a bleach solution. Put a bleach solution in a spray bottle and spray the coop, top to bottom. Allow to dry. Replace all bedding. Clean and disinfect all feeders and waterers, also.

If you have another one that show symptoms, separate immediately. Contact your local government extension office and find out where the nearest lab is that will do a necropsy. This will be the only way that you will know what is happening with your chickens.
We isolated her from the cool and put her in a box of straw with a water bowl and feeder and the others don't use... So we don't nee to do that? Thank you though!
She was in the coop when she first got sick...the coop does need to be cleaned and disinfected. You don't want to take a chance of leaving any germs lying around. This is just a good practice whenever a bird dies, suddenly or otherwise.

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