On day 22- did I kill my chicks? should I try to open shell?


8 Years
May 6, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
My Brinsea just turned from day 1 in the 21 day countdown to day 0 this afternoon. Only one of my seven eggs has hatched! The one littel fellow looks fine. Two others have pipped but no chicks yet. Four w/no activity.

I wonder if I killed the poor things- the directions that came w/the Brinsea said to remove the turning tray on day 2 and put paper towel in the incubator. I did but of course had to take the eggs out to do it. They rolled a bit on the counter but I thought I set them straight again-maybe I didn't get them back in the right position. Anyway, I am wondering if I should take the ones that have pipped and try to open the shell? How long do I wait before calling it a loss?
If nothing hatches today, try candling to see if there is any movement or if they have pipped the internal membrane. I've also read that people immerse them in warm water and watch for movement, but I'm not sure of the specifics.

Good luck!!!
Whew! One more hatched for two hatched chicks, membranes obviously broken on two other eggs and what looks like a pip on another. I guess everything is going to be okay after all.

The first hatched chick is pecking at the newly hatched one and also at the other eggs. They are too young to cannibalize, no?
The chicks won't hurt each other in the incubator....they aren't very strong right now, just curious.

It is hard waiting for them to hatch, isn't it? I am sure that if you give them another day they will work it out. Good luck.

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