One a week.......


12 Years
Jul 20, 2007
I am losing about one hen per week.
Here are the symptoms.
I notice one eye 'mattering' and closing.
They just slow down and then I find them dead.

I have seen Mareks before. These do not have the symptoms where they lose balance and eventually cannot walk.
They just have one eye closed up and then slow down and die.

I have given them Sulmet in the water two times.
It seems to have no effect.

We cloroxed everything in the coop.
No help.
I have heard that the symptoms for Mareks can be different however it sounds like you have dealt with it enough to be sure, I am sorry you have had to deal with that.

The only advice I can offer is to maybe try a different type of antibiotic, they might have grown resistance to this one if you have been giving it to them for a while or in the past and also it might not be treating the right conditions. I would also try adding some apple cider vinegar to there water, in case it is bacterial. I am assuming you are not eating the eggs right now anyways, but I would up the calcium they eat, so maybe sprinkle some in the food to make up for the loss of it due to the vinegar. It could be environmental, maybe something they are eating in the garden or, I hesitate to say but an angry neighbor (clueless also works) spraying something on the ground contaminating there food source? I am not an expert but it almost sounds environmental to me. You could also have a rodent infestation and the chickens getting sick could have eaten some droppings of an infected mouse? That is all that I can think of off the top of my head I hope something helps. Good luck.

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