One Chick a "Loner" Not Eating or Drinking? Just got them today!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
We just picked up our chicks this morning (six of them), which flew from Ohio to California. They are all eating and drinking non-stop except the Buff Orpington. She's kind of a loner, and I never see her eat and drink, while the others do nothing but eat and drink.

She is alert, and no one else is picking on her, but she's also LOUD. She sort of resists being picked up, but she's completely quiet when I'm holding her. When I put her back down, she yells even louder.

Is it normal for one of them to do this the first day? I don't know what to do to get her to eat and drink!!
She's proabably like a lead chick X2!But being new to a home and just flew across a place may have interrupted life for her and may be frighten.Or she needs not stop loving.Get to know the little gal first and should start coming threw!She may be aware of the HUMANS that were there.You can put her alone.So she can gain weight and not die.Or die from not having any water or food.I had twelve chicks in a small little coop for about only for.They were forced basically by other chicks to need to push,peck,and flap at each other for food.But she's probably not ready to get all in there and wrestle.She may be really nice and hates fighting.How big is she?May I see pictures?
I finally forced her to drink through a dropper. I tried to wet some food and get her to eat out of my hand, but she wasn't interested.

She's the yellow one kind of at the top left. With her beak facing the side wall of the tub- which is how she is usually standing. She also never lays down like the others. Always stands. It's so weird!!

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Do you have a roost?She may not want to be on a ground.Try putting some type stick in there and hold it up so they can sleep on it.Be sure its their at their level to jump up on it.She looks almost like the runt.Be sure to give them probiotics.She may be getting sick.It may be from stress.Also the medicine goes in the water.
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Sounds like she may be traumatized from shipping. I would give her some quiet time in her own box, Be sure she is warm enough and see that she starts drinking and eating. You may have to show her the water and dip her beak in it. Maybe also put a little sugar in the water or some electrolytes, such as "save a chick" that you can get from the feed store. If she resists drinking maybe try with an eyedropper. Once she starts eating and drinking regularly try putting her back with the other chicks, or putting another chick in the box with her first so she can slowly adjust. Keep us posted on how she does. Good Luck!
I don't have a roost yet, but I did put Nutri-Drench in their water.
Ok so I put her back in the box that they were shipped in (but took out the hay and put in sand), and gave her her own bowl of food and water- seems to have done the trick! I've seen her poop (thank goodness because I wasn't sure if she was pooping), drink water and walk all around her "new" home. However, I still don't think she's eating because while she did poke all around her food with her beak, it didn't look like she was actually eating any of it.

Now I'm just wondering if she's a princess?! ;) Won't eat/drink out of the same waterer/feeder as the other chicks and doesn't like the food I bought her?!

The only problem is that I don't have another feeder and waterer so I had to put just a bowl of water and food, and she keeps jumping in her water!! I'm not sure if this is on purpose, or if she's just accidentally falling in.

I'm trying to find some sticks for them to roost on. I can't leave because my husband isn't home right now, and I have both kids here.
Well now she's back to standing with her beak against a wall. Can chickens sleep standing up because I really think she's trying to sleep, but she literally never sits down, whereas the other chicks lay down to sleep.

Here is a pic of the bowl of water she keeps falling in.

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See the hole in there?Find a nice sized stick and stick it threw them then sit her on it.She may have been not tpoo friendly with the otherts and got pushed around.
Put some pebbles or marbles in the water dish so she can't fall in and drown ,she will drink between the pebbles, baby chicks can be clumsy. If she is drinking a bit then I wouldn't worry about her eating right now. If she is just 1 day old she still has yolk in her belly that will sustain her for a couple of days. It is probably best to just leave her alone for a while. as long as she is warm and has access to water she should be ok.

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