One chicken obviously feeling poorly


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Tacoma, WA
I've got one chicken who has really started acting like she was feeling poorly. Two days ago she didn't leave the pen when I let the rest of the chickens out. Yesterday she was just standing under the shelter not interacting with the rest of the chickens. Today she's sitting on the ground with her head nodding.

I think I need the ABC's of chicken diagnostics. I don't even know where to BEGIN to diagnose chicken troubles.

This is a previously healthy chicken, about 3 years old, White, and of a good weight. She really looks like she was thriving fine up until about 3 days ago. Her comb may be a little darker than it was. Other than that I can't really see anything wrong with her.

Any suggestions? And when do you put a chicken down? If I can't cure her I don't want her to suffer.


Thanks. I've been reading and suspected egg bound. I soaked her for an hour in a 5 gal bucket with warm slightly soapy water. Then I held her and tried to massage her a bit. She's clearly tender and there's pressure on her anus but I can't feel an egg. Not sure what's going on now.

No signs of lice or anything. Not sure what to look for in worms.

She's clearly much more comfortable in the bucket so I'm going to leave her there for now.

I soaked her in a 5 gallon bucket with about 6" of soapy water with a little vinegar in it for about an hour and a half. She didn't drop an egg but did seem to be much more alert and active when I took her out. I wrapped her loosely in burlap and set her on a nesting box and left her. She came out shortly and was competing for food with the others. She wasn't nearly back to normal but that was the most activity I've seen from her in days.
And then she died. I should have moved immediately when I saw her acting oddly. By the time I did something what I should have done is put her down.

Lesson learned.
Yeah... usually by the time they exhibit symptoms ... it's bad and you do have to take action quickly. Sometimes you have to take your best stab at treatment based on the symptoms and info immmediately available. So sorry she died...

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