One chicken pecking at another's beak


9 Years
Jul 5, 2014
Vancouver Island
Does anyone know what this might mean? One chicken has been "kissing" another one all day today. The recipient didn't seem bothered by it, but I wondered what this was about.
I see some of my hens doing that to each other too,I figured they are just picking the gunk off their beak. They see food or something, and just helping them out. I saw some berry juice was on one of them, and the other saw some extra seeds and just cleaned it up for them.
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I was always led to believe they do this to keep the pecking order. They test each other by pecking beaks and other behaviors to let the other chicken know they are higher in the order. The other chicken can submit to that or try to peck back. Certain chickens are more clearly in charge than others.
Mama Chicken is right about it being one manifestation of the pecking order. But there are also compulsive beak cleaners who are compelled to inspect others' beaks and to clean them if they need cleaning. Also, chickens will eat food wherever they spy it, including on or in another's beak.

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