one clouded pupil


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2015
will county illinois
so was looking into it a little more about the eye, ya seems it could be some bad stuff a chance anyhow but, she seems fine other wise eye seems right shape (as far as i can tell), no swelling or discharge, no sneezing, shes eating fine, and been laying normal (about 2-3 eggs a week avg), and no eye discharge just one clouded pupil. if it was u how concerned would u be thats its not damage and maybe a problem? and how would u handle the situation but as i said seems fine other wise i am going to double check my flock tonight but pretty sure its just her, i knw my roo is good but honestly i never lookdd that close at the pupils before sure i check the eyes but mostly just for discolor or swelling

it's actually hard to see if not in the light but other wise i would think see looks good

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