One drake make hens quieter? Runner calmer when with Cayugas/Harlequins?


10 Years
Apr 12, 2013
I am trying to decide how to have fairly quiet ducks for my backyard but still have a good amount of personality and entertainment.

I will be getting only a few sexed ducklings-- 2 to 4 total. I have heard that having one drake may cause the hens to be quieter because they're calmer. Is this generally correct? I also hear that drakes are the randiest animals around, so they tend to cause excitement. This seems to contradict the first statement!

I will probably be getting one or two Cayugas and Welsh Harlequins.
BUT I'D LOVE A RUNNER because they're so cute and entertaining! However, they tend to be noisier. So, what about this idea:
1 Cayuga, 1 Harlequin, 1 Runner DRAKE.
Does this make sense? the noisiest breed will be the drake, so less noisy than it would be if it were a hen.
Also, I know that Runners are generally nervous birds, but are they more likely to be friendly to people if they're drakes or if they're hens?
OR, do you know if having just one Runner hen amongst other hens of different breed could cause it to be calmer (the other breeds' calmness rubs off?) If that is the case, then I could get perhaps:
1 Cayuga, 1 Harlequin, 1 Runner (all hens) and take advantage of the fact that Runners are good layers!

Thanks so much for your help!
I can't really answer your question for sure as it varies from duck to duck. However, I had a trio of Cayuga and the drake was not loud at all. He was quieter than the chickens....the ducks were very loud and easily excited. They did seem calmer when the boy was around except in the morning when he was trying to mount them. Hope this helps.
Thanks! I read that from some people. However, I'm thinking that maybe my idea of one Runner drake isn't the best idea, because it sounds like Runners are just so skittish. It would suck if having a Runner drake ended up making two WH's or Cayugas MORE nervous! Is that possible, I wonder?
My runners are not nervous. They are energetic, but not skittery. They like people. And they were more quiet before we got a drake. He just really agitates them.

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