One eye closed, one open?

Hello everyone, this evening when I went to put my 14, 13 week old chicks to bed I noticed one was running up to me like the others. She was laying down by the fence. As I got closer I noticed she had some blood under eye like cuts. And that eye was closed. When I picked her up to check her eye out. She felt like she had a huge bump on the front of her breast also. She opened her eye a couple times but seemed to prefer to have it closed. I have no idea where the cuts came from. I have them on my garden which has fence on bottom and top......anyone have any answers. I have separated her in the house for the night. She ate didn't drink to much and is going to the bathroom....seems to be alert...tried to peck the dog when I took her out to clean the cage before bed.
Hello everyone, this evening when I went to put my 14, 13 week old chicks to bed I noticed one was running up to me like the others. She was laying down by the fence. As I got closer I noticed she had some blood under eye like cuts. And that eye was closed. When I picked her up to check her eye out. She felt like she had a huge bump on the front of her breast also. She opened her eye a couple times but seemed to prefer to have it closed. I have no idea where the cuts came from. I have them on my garden which has fence on bottom and top......anyone have any answers. I have separated her in the house for the night. She ate didn't drink to much and is going to the bathroom....seems to be alert...tried to peck the dog when I took her out to clean the cage before bed.
One of the others may have pecked her. Don't put her back with the others until she's healed. They will keep pecking it if you do. Keep an eye on her and please keep us posted. Also it may not hurt to clean it with water and put a little triple antibiotic ointment on it.
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One of the others may have pecked her. Don't put her back with the others until she's healed. They will keep pecking it if you do. Keep an eye on her and please keep us posted. Also it may not hurt to clean it with water and put a little triple antibiotic ointment on it.

Today I noticed she has not drank anything. Her eye seemed to be healed. I cleaned it and put some triple antibiotics on her. Her eye was wide open. I decided to put her with her sisters. She was so happy to be back! She was running all around, eating, drinking. I kept an eye on her all day. No pecking happened that I saw. I left her with her sisters for the night. Hoping everything goes well this evening check back tomorrow...thanks
Hi there, today I have discovered this problem with my 2 week old Cochin chick named Peridot.

She seems to be alright overall. She is still pooping, eating, drinking, chirping, and walking. I have her together in a box with another 2 week old Silkie chick. I am a first time chick owner, and am raising these chicks to be pets.

I don't see any lacerations/scratches/blood/scabs/etc on or around her eye. It is normal sized and I don't see any swelling or discharge. Just her bottom lid is closed up. She will occasionally open it up when she flaps her wings or chirps. She seems to be tilting her head inwards towards her open eye when she walks, and is keeping her head lower to the ground. Sometimes this causes her to stumble around in a circle. When I pick her up, she is very warm to the point that my hand gets sweaty from holding her. (that may just be my issue though, I tend to have very sweaty hands in general, haha) She also seems to want to stay laying down in my hand and doesn't want to be put down. I've tried using a damp tissue to wipe her eye, and to the best of my abilities I have looked into her eye and I can't seem to see anything. I'm a bit concerned and I hope that she will be okay.

I'm trying to figure out possibilities as to why she may be keeping her eye closed.

1) Perhaps Noodles(my Silkie) pecked at her. I've notice they have been pecking at each other occasionally which I assumed was normal chick behavior.

2) She may have some dirt or something stuck in there and it's bothering her.

3) Earlier today, she jumped out of the cardboard box I'm keeping them in, I have it sitting next to a glass covered gas fireplace. When I picked Noodles up, Peridot got a bit excited and upset and flapped out of the box. She jumped up against the fireplace and flopped down. I'm hoping she didn't get burned. I only have the fireplace on the lowest setting, but the glass is pretty warm. I hope she didn't burn her face. I've looked at it pretty closely and I don't see any swelling or redness.

She is such a sweetie pie and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. :( Anyone have any other reasons why she may be closing her left eye? And anything I can do to solve the problem?

Pics for reference:

^ Right eye is fine. Open and perceptive.

^ Left eye she keeps shut and hasn't opened it much but on occasion she blinks it open but right back shut again.

^ She closed both eyes for this picture.
Hey just an update! Today she now has both eyes open and is acting 100% normal again. I guess there was just something in her eye that needed to pass. All is good! :)
I have hen that has one eye shut. But her skin and lid around her eye is swollen and red...and her eye ball looks sunken in
Any updates to this thread? I have a healthy flock but just noticed today that one Black Copper Maran hen's eye is closed. Not swollen or gross. Just closed.
I have 65 chickens pastured together. No way I'd be able to give injections for days to all 65.
Other than isolation, what can I do?
Yes, update.
My hen ended up with eye worms. After days and days of research and pain management I figured it out. I managed to squeeze out all the worm clean it and give her an antibiotic and the only thing that is left is a small cataract. She has been health and happy since.

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