One hatched a week early!


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Larkspur, CO
Ok, I just came home from running errands and heard chirps in my basement. I looked into the incubator and there is a chick! I set my eggs two weeks ago tonight. I am guessing the woman who sold me the eggs let some start. That explains why I could not candle two of them. They were solid black inside, but being Maran eggs, I assumed they were too dark shelled. The others looked at the right stage of development when I candled them on day 10. I didn't even have my brooder set up because I thought I had a few more days before I would set it up "early".
Crazy! Thank goodness the chick made it! What a surprise. I think I would have flipped if one of mine hatched a week early.
Wow! Who sells 1 week incubated eggs?? Without at the very least letting the customer know! Good for you for hatching out a bcm under those conditions! They're hard to hatch anyways.
I call that a miracle, lol They are so picky about stuff. If you had two dark ones and the other one has not hatched, you should keep a watch on that one. It could explode and you would loose your remaining good ones. Sometimes you can smell it if it is bad by doing a close sniff test.
Thanks for the encouragement. I do think he is one tough chick. The automatic egg turner was still going, and I was still running the humidity at 50%. I am keeping my eye on the other dark one. Funny thing is that this morning, I marked this egg and the other with a sharpie, because I wanted to keep track of these two strange ones in case a bad smell showed up. I think he panicked and was shouting, "I'm not dead yet!" (read with brittish accent).

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