One hen not laying now


9 Years
Jan 15, 2011
I have 2 PR and 2EE with one EE rooster. I once had all of them separated and in there own cage, and all of them layed. But now that they are all combined one EE isn't laying anymore. There isn't fighting often but she still doesn't lay, and something happened to her butt feathers, the ones under her tail they look like something ate them or broke parts off, could that be the reason she isn't laying?
how do you treat mites? I believe it is this, but my camera was dead so I couldn't take a picture, also the feathers are kinda matted.
At your local pet store pick up some mite kill (the powder), I would seperate that hen from the flock, and just put the powder on her and all the other hens. The mites live in wood so your coop could have a few mites, you can use the powder to get rid of the mites, or you can use a spray, read the back of the spray first to see if you can use it on the birds.

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