One lonely chicken


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Hey Everyone,
Three of my four girls were killed last month. I just have Ruby left out in the coop. She is an 8 month Partridge Rock. I have 8 babies in the brooder now that I am hoping will be ready to move to the coop next weekend (in a week). At that time they will be 5 and a half weeks old. They aren't quite fully feathered yet, so I want to be safe and wait.

My question is this - will Ruby be alright in the coop by herself as the temps get colder? This week it is getting to be in the 50s during the day, but down to the low 30s at night. Our coop is very draft free. I'm thinking she'll be fine at 30 degrees at night, but just wanted to get some other opinions. I'm not going to heat the coop - so that isn't an option. I could move her into the garage at night where the brooder box and heat lamp are until the chicks move to the coop - but she has been through a LOT in the past month and I don't want to stress her out any more than she already has been.


One more question - do you think I'll have to worry much about her picking on the chicks when I move them into the coop? With just one adult I wouldn't think there would be a problem...
I think by the time the chicks get in there she'll love the companionship and with the unlike numbers she'll be the minority.

She'll be fine for those temps. They don't really get that much benefit heatwise from each other.
I think by the time the chicks get in there she'll love the companionship and with the unlike numbers she'll be the minority.

She'll be fine for those temps. They don't really get that much benefit heatwise from each other.
Thank you so much for your confirmation. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge!
i think she shold be fine in the coop but just so things go smoother start intradcuing her to the babies now so she will get to know them have some compaionship and ready for them to move in with her and see if she tryes and goes with them at night let her

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