One month old chick not moving around


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
Islamabad, Pakistan
All the chicks were chirpy, running around and this one wasn’t moving from the warmth of the brooder(Brinsea plate)

I’ve started painkiller and anti biotic

Why did this happen?
What’s wrong ?

At that age coccidiosis would be my first thought. Lethargy, runny poops, weakness, hunched posture, not eating are signs. Corid a cattle medicine from the feed store, is the treatment in the water for 5-7 days. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the poder to each ballon of water. Until you get that give some water with electrolytes or a few drops of Poultry NutriDrench. Make sure the chicks drinks or give it with a dropper.
I had the post-martam done and there is new castle and Gumboro. I was told to give amoxicillin and immunity booster and vitamins. That’s all. I still think I need to give something different.

Should I give doxycycline and Septran?
I’m very upset

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