One Note Morris

Pullet Surprise

7 Years
Mar 11, 2012
Moore County, North Carolina
It has pretty well been decided that Maggie is Morris and a very handsome cockrel....he shocked me yesterday morning with letting out the loudest 'song' consisting of just one note/syllable. Very loud, deep and inpressive...while flapping his wings. He did this several times as soon as I let them into their 'day pen'. He did it again this morning without the flapping. It's always just one note, pause and then same note repeated a minute or so later. My question is: Is he developing his crow and hasn't gotten the "cock-a-doodle-do" thing down yet? Do their crows change as they mature or is he going to be "one note Morris" for good?
Some of my young roosters started with a strangling noise that send us all into a panic. Really, by no stretch of the imagination could those gurgles be called crowing! But after a few days' practice they get the hang of it. Give him time

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