One of my 12 girls died today


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Eastern Shore of Maryland
I had not noticed this hen being sick until last night. And she was just almost out of it. She walked around so slowly and did not go in the house at bedtime. I carried her in and put her in one of the nests. But, I had noticed she had blood all around her vent and lots of poo. Kinda of made me feel weak.
I should have done something other than just put her in the nest.
I feel like I neglected her.

Would you all tell me if you think she was eggbound? I have never been familiar with that even though I was raised on a farm with poultry. Never had I heard about eggbound until I got on this site.

I feel badly about this hen. I feel that I could have done something. This happened before, but not sure if it was her and I gave the hen oil into her mouth and she recovered. I think I waited too long and was not attentive enough to the Girls. It has been cold and I have made quick trips in and out to the hen house.

I feel that she had been laying since I was getting 10 or 11 eggs daily and the last three days it has been only nine eggs. I found one on the ground and I think that was hers. It was a huge egg.
I am soo sorry!!! We just had the same thing happen and it is very sad indeed. This morning I kept counting the chickens over and over to make sure the rest were still there, so did my husband. And last night I lay awake constructing the new coop and chicken yard in my mind. Take care, I feel your sadness.
Poor cluck and poor YOU! It is hard to know what to do sometimes. It sounds like you fed your clucks and gave them fresh water and a safe coop to go into at did not neglect her. Don't blame yourself - these things happen. I am sorry for your loss.

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