One of my chickens has a bare butt


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Poland, Maine
I noticed that one of my RI Red hens is missing all the feathers on her butt. All the other chickens and guineas are fine. Do you think one of the others is pulling her feathers out? She has feathers everywhere except on her behind.
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Could be that one of them is pulling the feathers out. If her butt is not very red and all swollen then i would not worry
Yeah, the others are picking on her. I bought some year old hens that had bare butts because of the crowded conditions that they came from. I expect the feathers to grow back after their next molting. It's not pretty! Friends keep asking me if I got a new breed of tailless chickens, so I just say yes.
Thanks for the information, I thought that they were being pulled out. There is not redness so I guess that is a good sign. Hopefully the feathers will grow back soon.

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