One sick chicken after!


7 Years
Jan 30, 2016

Whole flock is getting sick. Seems to start out with a high pitched cough or sneeze, then watery eyes sometimes with discharge, and progresses into a respiratory problem, with sometimes gurgled and raspy breathing. I had two hens get it and they snapped out of it with a day, but now have two roosters that are really struggling. I’ve been treating with probiotics, electrolytes, garlic infused water with cayenne and honey(currently out of apple cider vinegar, and also using vet rx. I’m at a loss and everytime I go out another chicken has eyes starting to water or sneezing….after googling assuming Coryza or something similar but everything is saying antibiotics….Vets refusing service due to an outbreak of avian influenza in two wild geese in a random part of the county…does anyone have prior experience with something similar? Remedies? Video of my poor little guy.
Get Tylan50. It is sold at most farm stores.
It contains 50 mg of tylosin per ml.
The dose is 50 mg/Kg once daily for 5 days. Weigh your bird so you know how much to give.
The conversion factor is 2.2 pounds/Kg. So if your rooster weighs 6 pounds he is 2.73Kg (6/2.2=2.73) and gets 2.73 mls of Tylan50.

Whole flock is getting sick. Seems to start out with a high pitched cough or sneeze, then watery eyes sometimes with discharge, and progresses into a respiratory problem, with sometimes gurgled and raspy breathing. I had two hens get it and they snapped out of it with a day, but now have two roosters that are really struggling. I’ve been treating with probiotics, electrolytes, garlic infused water with cayenne and honey(currently out of apple cider vinegar, and also using vet rx. I’m at a loss and everytime I go out another chicken has eyes starting to water or sneezing….after googling assuming Coryza or something similar but everything is saying antibiotics….Vets refusing service due to an outbreak of avian influenza in two wild geese in a random part of the county…does anyone have prior experience with something similar? Remedies? Video of my poor little guy.
I’m in the same boat! I have tried EVERYTHING! Found Tylan powder from some online falconry place. After doing everything under the sun you mentioned earlier, bought every.single.supplement, quarantined, scrambled eggs, fermented food for 24 hours, garlic, oregano, thyme, everything…. For my entire freaking summer and one by one… even another one tonight. 😭! Respiratory disease is no joke! I had 13 and now I’m down to 4. Beat of luck. It’s exhausting. Mentally, physically and emotionally. Where are you located? I’m in Utah. Again, I’m sorry. All my birds sounded Like that before I ended up culling them, sadly. Except for the eyes. Tylan would be your best bet if you can find it. Stupid pharmaceutical companies have made it near impossible for poultry owners to help their flocks I swear. Sorry for the rant. Best of luck my friend.

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