One week old chick does not seem mentally "all there", how do I know if there is something I can do to help it?


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2022
I have a flock of 30 broiler chicks that I got at one day old. They are now a week and a day old and I lost two chicks for unknown reasons, (from what I understand is not uncommon, but still makes me sad). It has been pretty hot here their first week, in the mid to upper 80's, but I have been able to keep the coop between 90 and 95 degrees. The first two chicks died around day 3 and 4. I have been keeping a very close eye on all of them to see if any of the other birds seem ill.

There is one chick that just seems not mentally all there. All of the other chicks are thriving, running around, eating drinking and usually scurry away quickly when I go near them or try to pick them up. The chick in question, just sits there, and lets me pick him up. Every time I set him back down he doesn't really stand straight up or try to walk away, he kind of just rests there half standing and half sitting. I don't think lethargic is the right word to describe him because when I pick him up he usually tries to flap and will chirp like the other ones do. He lets me flip him over to look at the bottoms of his feet which look good. He is clean and no poop stuck to or covering his butt. I thought for sure he was going to be the third to pass away but he keeps hanging in there and his status doesn't really seem to change much. I was worried that he wouldn't figure out, or be able to walk to the food or water so I put him near the water a few times a day and also put food right in front of him, slightly away from the others so he doesn't get trampled. When I put him near the water and food he doesn't really seem too interested. I tried sticking his beak in the water a few times and he will drink a tiny bit. When I leave him out there for a bit and come back to check on him he is sometimes in the same spot and other times pretty far from where I left him, so it seems that he gets around when I'm not looking. Its hard to know if he eats the food I leave in front of him or the others eat it, but If he wasn't eating or drinking I would assume he would have already passed away. The only other thing I've noticed that is slightly different than the others is that they are all starting to get tiny little feathers on their wings, and he is too but his are much shorter and smaller, and his eyes just have a different look. I cant describe it other than he just doesn't look as bright as the others.

My question is, is there anything I can do to try to help him? It breaks my heart that the rest of the chicks are thriving around him and he just sits there and seems like he's in another world. I also wonder if he might have an illness that can spread to the rest of them? I don't want him to suffer, but I honestly cant tell If he is content and oblivious or something is wrong.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!
So sorry to hear that your one little chick doesn't seem just right. It is hard to say what could be the problem but like you said, he would already be gone if he wasn't getting some norishment somehow. I would be tempted to let him be as long as the others do not pick on him and see in a few more days how he is doing. If you think he might be contagious you could separate him for a while but since they are flock animals that would be hard on him too. Good luck on your decision.
So sorry to hear that your one little chick doesn't seem just right. It is hard to say what could be the problem but like you said, he would already be gone if he wasn't getting some norishment somehow. I would be tempted to let him be as long as the others do not pick on him and see in a few more days how he is doing. If you think he might be contagious you could separate him for a while but since they are flock animals that would be hard on him too. Good luck on your decision.
Aw thank you so much for the well wishes. My gut feeling is that he just has a mental problem, I was temped to take him inside and try to nurse him back to health, but youre right, that would be hard on him to be away from the others and I don't really know what I would do to comfort him. Every time I go out there I prepare myself for him to be passed away, but he's always still there looking content and oblivious. I'm going to see how he does the next few days. Thank you again.
Aw thank you so much for the well wishes. My gut feeling is that he just has a mental problem, I was temped to take him inside and try to nurse him back to health, but youre right, that would be hard on him to be away from the others and I don't really know what I would do to comfort him. Every time I go out there I prepare myself for him to be passed away, but he's always still there looking content and oblivious. I'm going to see how he does the next few days. Thank you again.
You are most welcome and I am rooting for him.
Just wanted to update, the chick seems to still be doing well, I found him asleep in the food dish the other day and I've seen him make his way to the water.

We discovered yesterday that we think he is blind. I don't think that's his only issue as he is smaller than the rest. We have seen him walk into things and he seems to follow the sound of the others eating. He also walks a little funny, like he is very careful about his steps because he can't see where he is going.

Yesterday I did my night time check, and all the chicks were sleeping in the same corner, except him, he was sleeping alone on a log we have in the coop. It was sad but he still seems content.

Now I'm not sure if I should separate him from the rest In case they start to pick on him, but I also hate to do that if he relies on the noise they make to find his food and water. I wish I could just keep him as a pet and save him, but as far as I know broiler chickens won't survive passed 12 weeks. 😢
I had a broiler like this..kinda...
She was fine for a few wks..just smaller...
She stayed 4 wks she couldn't/wouldn't walk around not even to get to food or water, would only sit when I took them to play outside..I separated her for a night....felt bad she was suffering and culled her...
She was for food..but still one of my nuggets and it was sad...but I feel it needed to be done...
My broiler (outta 4 ) made it to 8wks and was 7lbs dressed on a 12 on 12 off feeding schedule.

(We got 4 to kinda ease into meat birds...and one died of an impacted vent, one was culled, one died, we think of a heartattack, and the other was harvested)

Here's a pic of the surviving nugget


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Aww she is beautiful! I'm sorry your others didn't make it.

I hope my little guy survives. I won't let him suffer, that's for sure. I tend to act like my animals have human emotions, so when I seeing him sitting all by himself it breaks my heart, but I don't know if that actually makes a difference to him or not. This is only my second round of meat birds. I eased into it with 12 and lost one from that flock. I definitely will keep a close eye to make sure he is getting everything he needs and do what needs to be done to make sure no suffering happens.

Thank you for sharing!
Aww she is beautiful! I'm sorry your others didn't make it.

I hope my little guy survives. I won't let him suffer, that's for sure. I tend to act like my animals have human emotions, so when I seeing him sitting all by himself it breaks my heart, but I don't know if that actually makes a difference to him or not. This is only my second round of meat birds. I eased into it with 12 and lost one from that flock. I definitely will keep a close eye to make sure he is getting everything he needs and do what needs to be done to make sure no suffering happens.

Thank you for sharing!
You did good with your first round of meat birds!! Us not so much...but we will try again.

I am the same, i do think animals feel 🤷‍♀️

Good luck with your little one!
Here is a picture of the little peanut. He falls asleep in my hand. 😢❤️ Also, I don't know if the picture does it justice, but look at the size difference between his legs and the one behind him on the log. He is so tiny. It becomes more apparent every day. He started doing this thing where he stands on one leg and falls asleep. But 5 mimutes before that he walked perfectly fine across the whole coop. I just really can't tell whether or not he is not feeling well and if he should be euthanized. Ugh


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