One weird little chicken.


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Northern Colorado
Yes one little weirdo.

Last night I did my usual routine of closing up the coop and checking the run for stragglers. This morning one bantam cochin was in the run. But I checked it last night and no one was there.

Today I found there is a small depression right next to the coop. YUP she is UNDER the massive structure. Apparently she has gone broody..... again.

No rooster so no hatching is going to happen. We have a massive storm forecast for this weekend through Tuesday. She better come out in the morning so I can dump flagstone in that hole. If she is not out in the am I will make a lean to to keep it from filling with snow so I can get her when she does come out.

Where have your broodies decided to hide?

She is the one in the front. I may have to find some local eggs for her to sit this year. She is super stubborn about it.
I absolutely adore the little munchkin. Her timing to go under the coop and brood is horrid.

I thought I simply missed her at lock down last night. Today when I took treats out she was no where to be found. Investigating showed a depression by the coop that is actually letting her get under there.

The snow is here now. I hope she comes out in the morning as I could not get her out tonight.

I will be watching closely for her to make an appearance so I can block that off.
Thankfully all my hens seem to be sensible, or at least trusting of me, they have always gone broody in the nestboxes, though I've have two in the same box arguing over the eggs and becoming co moms, your Cochin is adorable, they are one of my favorite breeds.
donrae, That is one funny place to nest. Looks like she thinks it is just the right size.

My little one has not made an appearance this morning. I know she is under there and alive. She growled at the Iowa Blue who stuck her head in the hole.

oldhen, I think they are on my favorites list for sure. Not entirely sure how to get her out from under the coop. I may find myself digging if she does not come out soon.

We are supposed to be in the single digits at night for the next week or so. I am sure she is well glued to her spot. I am also thinking she is in as far back as she could get.

I am kicking myself for not filling under the coop with pea gravel or some other stone before building it upward.

What do you all think..... Dig her out? Let her be?
If she's anything like my cochins she will sit under there for about 2 months before giving up, I might try a rake to push her off and out of that catatonic state, she should then start up a cackle and run off, if you get snow will she get buried under there?
That is what has me worried the most. I have some plywood and will rig up an awning to keep her from becoming buried under there.
The opening she dug is right next to a support pillar. It is about 6 inches deep and only 5 inches wide. The others had been dust bathing close to the structure so there is a channel along the foundation. I think I can make it so the awning will keep snow off all the way to the pop door.

I bet that little snot is in the back against the opposite wall. The ground is frozen so digging will mean getting the propane torch out. Thinking that could be a disaster.

She is by far my most stubborn broody. She has sat solid for almost 2 and a half months before I made her get in the broody breaker. I do not like doing that to them but I also do not want her dying on the nest either.

I do have a long handled fish net........ I wonder if I dug to where I can see her if I can net her......
I would personally see if I could get her out first than break her, wrong time of the year for being broody but those bantam don't seem to care. I feel guilty too, but if she doesn't have fertile eggs than it's all pointless and draining on them.

Sometimes the snow comes in sideways, we are suppose to get a windy wet mess this coming week, ice, snow and wind.

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