Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Moved some chicks outside from the garage today, and started building another brooder. My other brroders I built before are all full of bunnies! Happy I sold my bottle baby goat, and a bunny at the sale the other day in Jackson. Lots of people at R&J, but not so many buying livestock. But I did sell another bunny after I got home.
My two new puppies are very different from each other. The male is like an energizer bunny, always going and chewing and carrying on. The little female is quieter, and likes to sit on my lap. I trimmed her face a bit today, the hair is not long enough to tie up in a top knot yet, and it was all in her eyes. Never had a terrier before.
Went to the sale at Scotts Hill today, it was pouring rain, and turn out was poor. Prices were up on rabbits, down on chicks and eggs since there were so many of them. I bought a box of bantam chicks, and some very nice young heritage RIR. The man bought his stock from a breeder in Minnesota. Really need a rooster, am sure at least one of these youngsters will be a rooster...
My brooder is done, and I moved chicks into it. Now I need three more built. Ended up bringing my goats home from the sale, they wanted to sell them for about half what they are worth. Next week is the goat sale, but I am going to try to find homes before that.
Went to turn the eggs today and a shipped silkie egg was hatching, and his foot was sticking out! I love it when a shipped egg hatches! On the down side, the quail eggs did not hatch, but I am going to give them a little extra time.
So we tried to catch the pigs. Built a ramp, put feed on it and up into the truck. I told DH we needed small boards nailed to the ramp to provide traction, but he didn't agree until the pigs were too wary to fall for the trap. Anyway, it took five adults two hours to catch three pigs and get them into the truck so I could sell them! It turned into a pig rodeo, I was actually on top of two of the pigs at one time or another. I caught one pig by the leg, and I swear it dragged me 15 feet before someone got a line on it. I was too stubborn to let go of it. Wish I had a video of it all. I sold the three of them to a man in Alabama that wants to breed guinea hogs. Three less mouths to feed around here.
Goats, pigs, we wrangle them all. Sure wish I had a video of me on that pig! I sold another goat yesterday, so now I am down to four adults and four bucklings. My rabbit that kindled without warning did not take care of her babies, and they all died. It was sad.
Dh is travelling to see the relatives in FL today, hope it is a good trip for him. I would have gone too, but the Shepherd pup is too much for our critter sitter. I think I will go to the flea market today.
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Went to Crump, and saw some quail for sale, but by the time I got back there with the truck, they were all sold! Did manage to buy a blue eyed white lionhead buck.Today I went to buy some week old A&M from a guy, so I am happy that my hens will get a boyfriend soon. They are fat as butterballs with no boys to chase them. Shopping today in Jackson, I could not believe how much lumber has gone up. Got wire etc. to build a new brooder, if the turkeys, ducks and chicks all hatch, I will certainly need it!
DH sent pics of the kids, they have grown, and I have never seen baby Leah so I was happy to have that pic.
thansk for putting up the new thread! Now all I ahve to do is wait for some of my FCBM's to start laying again, all have chicks or are sitting on eggs but one, she her sister is stealing her eggs...
Glad to revamp the old thread, I know I have had a lot of fun on there.
Got some cull lumber at the hardware store today, still need to unload the truck. Sold some hatching eggs to some Amish folks down the road today, their son has developed an interest in chickens. Tonight the chickens were making a racket, so I went out there and killed that predator... finally! Most of the time those critters take off by the time I get there, so I am glad this one will not be coming back.
The weather has been lovely, hope to get out and put all the plants I bought into the ground. My garden needs planting too, any volunteers?
I'm excited to be able to get back to swapping! i'm almost done with damage control, I've almost replaced girls/boys that I lost, nearly done with fixing all pens again. I am hoping that these storms are finally past me...I am fixing to start getting all the swaps out, chicks, ducks are hatching, the tub will be getting cleaned out again to start all over again, the ones just hatched are fixing to go outside with my polish babies.

yesterday I kept hearing this really weird cackling, laughing...could not figure it out-I was fixing more pens. I would listen and listen, didn't hear it, get back to work then it would happen again, I finally was close enough to my silkie pen-it was my rooster crowing for the first time. so now I need to get more silkie hens, I've only got one right now that is in that pure off to find more, I do have 2 cochin banties I can put in there till he gets some more ladies so he isn't mean to midnight...

one more thing to put on my list..ugh!! who knew chickens were so demanding!! hope to be back to swapping very soon!
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