Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Thanks, I got a call from the vet this morning, she had suffered seizures and been treated but in the end it was no good and we had to have her put down. RIP Dixie....

OH NO! Terribly sorry for your loss sugar! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you Dixie!

~ Aspen
Thanks, it has been a very hard year, lost my Great Pyrenees to a hit and run, my 13 year old Siamese cat to mast cell disease, and now my 4 month old yorkie pup. It gets very discouraging. I sold all my FBCM, and my older flock of Speckled Sussex today. Tired of the high feed bills on top of vet bills. I have only three goats left. DH had to mow grass in the chicken yard which the goats normally would take care of. I need a vacation. Still have not seen my new granddaughter.
Thanks, it has been a very hard year, lost my Great Pyrenees to a hit and run, my 13 year old Siamese cat to mast cell disease, and now my 4 month old yorkie pup. It gets very discouraging. I sold all my FBCM, and my older flock of Speckled Sussex today. Tired of the high feed bills on top of vet bills. I have only three goats left. DH had to mow grass in the chicken yard which the goats normally would take care of. I need a vacation. Still have not seen my new granddaughter.
Deb, you are in our thoughts are prayers!

~ Aspen
Hey Aspen, thanks. I try not to dwell on it , but things keep popping up to remind me of the dear pets I have lost.
Today we worked some more on the three hole bunny hutch for some of the bucks. Got all four legs on, the dividers in, and the frame for the top on. Hope DH will work on the doors and maybe the roof tomorrow.
I am trying this new water system that has brass water valves for the bunnies to drink from. you attach it to a big water bucket, and hook up multiple drinkers with the plastic t's. It is hard to tell if the bunnies are using it, since i kept the regular bottle on for the young does, I don't want them to go without . I still have more to hook up.
Bought a mini Satin buck, a young mini satin pearl doe, and a Dutch buck the other day at the sale. There was a lady that brought them who shows her rabbits. Tried to buy several Dutch does, but kept getting outbid. There were some pretty dwarf rabbits, but they got sold before they even went up for sale.

DH has still not found a job. It is hard having a retired husband when you are not used to it.
My chick order is in transit, must have shipped yesterday so I hope it will get here tomorrow. I always worry the whole time they are in transit. There are two sections of the brooder reserved for them.
I am excited, one of the Runner duck eggs , I think from Silkie Sensation has pipped!
Hey Aspen, thanks. I try not to dwell on it , but things keep popping up to remind me of the dear pets I have lost.
Today we worked some more on the three hole bunny hutch for some of the bucks. Got all four legs on, the dividers in, and the frame for the top on. Hope DH will work on the doors and maybe the roof tomorrow.
I am trying this new water system that has brass water valves for the bunnies to drink from. you attach it to a big water bucket, and hook up multiple drinkers with the plastic t's. It is hard to tell if the bunnies are using it, since i kept the regular bottle on for the young does, I don't want them to go without . I still have more to hook up.
Bought a mini Satin buck, a young mini satin pearl doe, and a Dutch buck the other day at the sale. There was a lady that brought them who shows her rabbits. Tried to buy several Dutch does, but kept getting outbid. There were some pretty dwarf rabbits, but they got sold before they even went up for sale.

DH has still not found a job. It is hard having a retired husband when you are not used to it.
My chick order is in transit, must have shipped yesterday so I hope it will get here tomorrow. I always worry the whole time they are in transit. There are two sections of the brooder reserved for them.
I am excited, one of the Runner duck eggs , I think from Silkie Sensation has pipped!
I know just how you feel sugar.

Sounds like you got some stuff done today! We went to a wedding yesterday evening, so I did not get much done outside. This morning we had company that stayed for lunch, so after they left I was able to clean out two runs. It took be about two hours to shovel and haul it all to the compost heap, but I'm happy I got something done.

Saturday we finished a small coop for my four Muscovies. Then we had to try and secure a yard for them so they couldn't fly out of squeeze through the bars. We ended up putting wire and metal signs around the bottom to keep them "cooped" up. However, they can just climb up to the third bar and go right through so I'll have to put another row of signs around to keep them in, hopefully. However, even though they won't stay in their yard, but escape and run with the other ducks during the day, they still want to be locked up in their new little house. Both my females Scovy girls will go in there by themselves, but the two drakes want to be chased around a bit before they'll go in. Usually I have to manually catch them and put them inside. Goof balls.

Tomorrow if it isn't too hot (which it probably will be) I need to clean out my Goose House. If I could get that done I'd be happy. Then it'll be time to clean my big 3' x 12' brooder out again, even though I cleaned it two days ago. Goslings and ducklings are so messy!

~ Aspen
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