Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Glad to be of service. Sounds like your critters keep you busy too!
Today I got the broody pen almost done! It is about 4'X8'. I would have kept working, since there is only a bit of wire to secure over the window , but Wisp, my scaredy cat barn mouse killer showed up with her kittens. I managed to get hold of 2 of them. The black and white one , I am calling Sassy because it spits and makes a fuss.If I can ever catch Momma she'll go get spayed . She just showed up one day, I think the people that moved out next door left her. But I never get close enough to touch her with a 10 foot pole. However, she is happy to eat the food I leave out for her.
The brooder fish tanks I use to put chicks in that have just hatched are bulging at the seams. I am really lucky, the eggs I got from Janie on the monthly swap are hatching like crazy. Plus I have some chicks which I have no idea what they are but they must be egg chain chicks because I have never hatched these out before.
I did find out that there really is going to be a swap at TSC in Jackson , TN on Saturday. Apparently starts at 9:30 and runs to noon. I plan to take a few chicks, some roosters, maybe some eggs and a few started birds to sell.
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Glad to be of service. Sounds like your critters keep you busy too!
Today I got the broody pen almost done! It is about 4'X8'. I would have kept working, since there is only a bit of wire to secure over the window , but Wisp, my scaredy cat barn mouse killer showed up with her kittens. I managed to get hold of 2 of them. The black and white one , I am calling Sassy because it spits and makes a fuss.If I can ever catch Momma she'll go get spayed . She just showed up one day, I think the people that moved out next door left her. But I never get close enough to touch her with a 10 foot pole. However, she is happy to eat the food I leave out for her.
The brooder fish tanks I use to put chicks in that have just hatched are bulging at the seams. I am really lucky, the eggs I got from Janie on the monthly swap are hatching like crazy. Plus I have some chicks which I have no idea what they are but they must be egg chain chicks because I have never hatched these out before.
I did find out that there really is going to be a swap at TSC in Jackson , TN on Saturday. Apparently starts at 9:30 and runs to noon. I plan to take a few chicks, some roosters, maybe some eggs and a few started birds to sell.

Good luck at the swap. I have had good luck at a few so far this year but I am not taking anymore birds to them for now as I don't want to be out in the heat that long. There is one this coming Saturday in Fayetteville and I plan on going and being nosy to see if there is anything that hits my fancy( Don't let the hubby know). Take plenty of water, some snacks and a chair and hope you have fun and meet lots of nice folks
Good advice for this weather. I figure it's only for a few hours but I am taking a shade umbrella, and have a cap on the pick up so the birds are in the shade. Plus i keep mugs in each cage for their water. I hope we get some buyers.
I give apple cider vinegar for my horses and the recycle the gallon jugs into disposable waters and feeders for the chickens. I use those folding portable wire dog kennels at flock swaps and the jugs fit in quite nicely. I cut through the handles at the botom where they connect back into the jug and this lets me hook the jug over the wire so they stay upright. Cut the right size hole in the side for the bird leaving a few inches or so for water and instant portable water jugs with enough water for the birds at a swap. Drop in a few ice cubes and the birds are comfy and yes..........something over the top of the cages for shade. I'm sure you will have a good time and meet some folks. Good luck with the sales
Thanks! I think it will be fun. I don't look forward to getting up at 6 am, I am not a morning person. So the truck is loaded with birds , and I have a bunch of eggs to take. I am considering taking a goat as well, if I can catch a small buckling. They are pretty fast, and I am not.
I finally finished the broody pen, now to outfit with drinkers, feeders, nest boxes etc. I also worked on the new grow out pen today. It will be 8x8 x 6 feet high. I got the frame built except a few cross pieces , and I need to build the door. But one side is an existing pen, and the other side is now done, wire and all. So I have a good start. I am so looking forward to getting some of the young birds out into the pens from the brooders.
Hey Em, did you know you can catch snakes in minnow traps? Just put eggs inside as bait. I heard it works, but have not tried it yet myself. Losing eggs to snakes gets old fast.
I used to have a Standard poodle that hated snakes and would go out of her way to kill them. But no longer with us:-( Be careful of those copperheads, poisonous!
Well.....went to a flock swap today JUST TO LOOK, didn't even take a cage or box or anything with me......was just to look!!!!!!
I came home with 3 amercauna chicks,
2 blues and 1
Hopefully they are pullets,
looks like it so far.
Now I won't need to look for lavender orps to satisfy my want for the color
and since they are amercaunas they fit into the program here much to convince the hubby this is a GOOD
It was hard to get up at 6 am, but I had a good time and sold a lot of chickens. I took one goat along, and one lady said she was going to buy him, but didn't come back. I did make a lot of contacts, handed out business cards etc. The best part is I sold all those big roosters I was tired of looking at. Now I am very tired, just time to chill out;-)
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