Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Awww......sorry the bugs are bugging you...
......couldn't resist....sorry
Fence and feed
......seems to be a constant with animals
...... always doing one or the other
but I still love them.........the wallet doesn't but I do
I do ALL projects myself, no matter the size. Several years ago my son helped put up the largest garden shed, which became the brooder house. Since then 5 coops and all construction/repairs myself. It takes a lot longer but you figure out a way.

and I'm strictly a large fowl person too.

And to mrheinz77
with the incubator question - the same happened to me. 11 hatched out of 23 eggs. when the hatch began the humidity shot up and the rest drown. They were fully developed. I put 11 under a broody at the same time and she hatched all 11. How do they do it? The 34 eggs were all from the same flock, same rooster.
Broodies don't use electricity.
I was pondering the problem of eggs on the egg chain that no one wants to take for whatever reason . Many of us have done it, and I for one have always been sorry later. What if, after 48 hours, the person offering the eggs that have not been accepted would have the option to offer something different or rescind the offer, making the previous offer once again up for grabs. So you would not ship offered eggs until the eggs from the next person are accepted. Then, in effect, say someone offers albatross eggs, and no one wants them after 48 hours, no one has to take them and the chain goes back to the previous offer. What do you think?
I like it how it is. If we start doing that I think it could get confusing just my 2cents
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It seems that most times when the chain stalls for a bit it is a case of full bators and folks just can't take on more at the time. Telling someone who bid for eggs they wanted that they can't have just because the chain stalls for a few days is like saying they aren't good enough to play and can't have the eggs they want. JMHP sorry don't mean to offend but I'd rather wait through the stall how about if after 5 days the one offering eggs can add to the offer and maybe open to adding mixes or items to sweeten the pot?
I can see where it might get confusing. Just trying to work out the kinks. Thanks for your feedback. Did you all see the new thread I started, IOU, you owe me? Nevermind, it got canned.
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This morning I was feeding the teenagers and crawling along the ground I see a snake! So I grab it and put it in a fish tank with a lid. I want to id it before I decide where to release it. I had seen a similar snake hunting mice in the garage. But if they eat eggs and chicks, they need a new home. So then I went down and hammered on the rest of the staples for the first half of the new run. Dug a ditch, buried wire, nailed wire to 2x4s. By now I am ready for lunch. I drive the mule up to the gate near the garage, and see ANOTHER snake of the same type. So I catch it, shut off the mule and head for the fish tank in the garage. The snake decides it likes me, and will not let go. The other snake is trying to get out of the tank, and the phone is ringing!
I get the phone , ask them to hold on, peel off the second snake, push the first one back in. I am talking to the lady who wants to buy chickens, and another lady shows up at the garage door wanting three dozen eggs.
So now I have had lunch(fried egg sandwich ) and after I cool off a bit more, will go out to do more. What you been up to?
A few days ago, i was in the barn and heard a duck making a lot of noise and went to see whats going on and there was a huge black snake fighting her for the eggs she was setting on. So i grabbed the shovel and killed it he almost got away during the fight. When i picked him up he was almost as long as me and i'm 5-11 .We have been at this farm for almost 29 years without seeing 1 or 2 snakes in the last 2 weeks we have had 4, today i got back a pair of my black javas that i had to sell last year when i had my heart surgery i'm very glad to get them back.
The other three snakes we caught and gave the a ride in the truck to a new home.
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