Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Good job
The moms body was never found, I shot her once and she leaped out the 3 story high window, suicide I suppose. It was actually kind of amusing, she flung her body like 4 feet out and she parachuted down, she wasn't down there when I went to check but she couldn't have made it that far.

score for me. I was on the Langshan group on yahoo and saw a breeder that was an hour from where I grew up (4 hours from my parents to my house. ). I e-mailed to see if she would sell any eggs. She said she had never sold eggs befoew but she sure would. I had to go to Madison, Wi today and told me she would meet me half way between Madison and her house. I got 14 eggs and I didn't think whar she was charging was fair to her so I paid 2x what she wanted. I also am going to get a trio of started birds from her. She has beat many known national breeders with her birds. If you ever go to the yahoo groups and look up the Langshan group, look at the pictures of Cindy Rassmussen's Cock Beast. Wow, what a bird.
Good going on the raccoon population. That many less eating our chickens! Way cool on the langshan eggs, its always fun to get something you really want!
Did I ever tell you guys the story of how my goat, Lena, lost her ear? I bought her and four other bottle babies from a lady in Savannah, Tn. Lena's mom was in labor when she was attacked by a dog! The dog ripped the doe up badly, and she was dying when the owner found her
So the lady reached inside the goat to try and pull out the kids. The first one, a buckling, died when his neck was broken from the traction. The doe was not pushing, so the lady just had to pull whatever she could grab. When she grabbed for Lena, she got her by the ear, and pulled her ear off!!! But Lena survived, and looks kind of funny with one "elf" ear and one regular ear. Once you bottle feed baby goats, they seem to act like puppies, and want to follow you around. I sold all of the other baby goats once they were weaned, but kept Lena to add to my herd. Lena hadastitis her first kidding , so I had to bottle feed her twin boys! But last time she had a single kid and raised it herself. Now Lena still thinks I am her "MA", and she tries to follow me anywhere, especially if there is a chance she will get food .
If you have read my previous posts, you know I have another problem child goat I was calling Thelma, but I have changed that to "Devil Goat". Today I had her chained to a tree in the woods behind our house. It started to rain, so I took her and chained her to the wall in one of the stalls. After a while, it quit raining so I started working on the pen I call the ok corral because my husband tied logs along the top of the fence to try and keep the buck in that used to live there. I put Lena in there the other day out of desperation because she just goes from pasture to pasture, stomping fences as she goes. It's bad because it messes up the fences and teaches the other goats how to do it. Plus it aggravates me to no end. Of course, Lena is a big goat now, supposed to be kiko but I suspect she has a lot of Boer in her as well. The ok corral is pretty well fortified fence, with panels on the front, barbed wire along the top and woven wire fence. Lena didn't even spend a day in there . She stuck her head through the fence and pushed until the hole was big enough, then stepped through it!!?!!
So today I decided to attach barbed wire every foot from the ground up, attached to the posts and the trees. I was working on that project when it started to rain again! I climb in the Mule, and head for the garage. Lena is running behind, trying to keep up. I stop at the gate, get the goat, take her to the barn so she can stay dry. Despite the rain, she was determined to follow me back to the mule. Usually goats hate getting wet, so I was surprised she was so determined. I did manage to get the mule into the garage, and Lena decided the barn was a good place to be.
Once the rain stopped again, I went back to work. Stupidly, I am wearing those duck shoes, and stub my foot up against the roll of barbed wire! Blood spurts out, making my foot all sticky. Suddenly there is a big Crash , Bang Boom, and Devil Goat comes running out of the back garage where she had been chained to the stall wall! She is dragging the chain, it is making a big racket, and all of the goats run for their lives ! I keep working. I finally put the last stand of barbed wire up. I step outside the corral, and Lena sees me. She stomps the fence and heads toward me. I walk over and take her by the horns, leading her to the ok corral. I shove her in and snap the gate shut.
After supper I start feeding the goats. They have gotten over the fact that Devil Goat is dragging a chain. I pour a bucket of feed in the trough, and enter the pen. I get ahold of the chain, which is all muddy. The ground is muddy , and I am still wearing those stupid slippery shoes. But I manage to drag DevilGoat off to the woods and chain her up again.
As far as I know, both goats are where I left them. Only the morning will tell the tale.
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I have not against shooting varmints . But by the time i see them and go back to get the gun their gone.So i use a live trap, so far this week I've caught 2 Poussin 2 pigeons 1 chicken.
I have a bunch of milk goats and my place is fenced with mostly cattle panels or 48 inch woven wire so they don't out and it keeps the dogs out. All they do is get their heads stuck in the fence. Aren't goats fun!
Oh, I have so much fun with my goats! Have you tried the Crown of Shame to break them from sticking their heads through the fence? What I do is cut a piece of PVC pipe about a foot long. Then you tape it to the horns. They are then unable to stick their heads out through the fence. I have four foot high woven wire, but the bigger goats learn to mash it down, so I am working on putting a line of barbed wire along the top of the fences to keep them off. Jillian was scratching her head on the piece I put up along Goldenrod Gulch today.
Some time I will tell you my possum stories from when I lived in Florida.
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