Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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that is one thing I would not be expecting to find in the bator. Hopefully
that is the ONLY one you find in the bator
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OH wow that has me well cant describe that feeling.. I dont mind snakes but sure the heck
dont want to open up my incubator and find one.. oh good lord now everytime I open mine
I am going to have to look, although mine is in my living room.. I think I would have to tear
my whole house apart before I could sleep good again.

I sure hope your luck starts to get better.
Well, it kind of has me wondering what is going to happen next! I have been meaning to put those bators up on stands, right now they are on scraps of 2x4 to keep them out of the water when it floods:p But I have one stand that came with the Bator that just needs some screws and maybe a few corner braces to stabilize it. And I have a low end table I think the other might fit on.
Today was DH's birthday, so tonight we went to the outback for supper . My steak was good, and I ordered it with shrimp scampi. I got 3 shrimp! I mean, really why bother? I have had more than that as an appetizer! The mashed potatoes were lumpy, with skins in it. I was not impressed. They did give him a free dessert , which he shared with me, a spotted dog sundae which was very tasty. But I would have preferred Red Lobster, but it was not my b'day .
This heat is the Pitts! I stopped at Goodwill today and got some shallow containers to put water in, so the chickens can wade in them. I have a ton of work I want to do, but the only time it is under 80 degrees is like 6 am. Ugh.
I'ts hot here in Arkansas 102 today and super dry. This spring was the wettest ever. I left a bid at a auction Saturday night for a cement mixer that looks brand new. So she didn't call me until Sunday night .All day Sunday i wished i'd left a bigger bid but i got it for 55 bucks!!! their was one at lowes for 350 bucks and i just couldn't make myself buy it. This will make my rock work easier .Now if it would only cool off.PS i did run the mixer before i left a bid.
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Wow, what a good buy! I would love to have one, I always have to mix by hand , and I am not as strong as I used to be.
That's why i bought it. Even the young man that was helping me the most we mixed was 11 bags in one day.Me alone it kicks my butt.
.....that was a great buy
It's going to be even hotter than before here today too
...........over 100 predicted.
Soooooo heading to the coast after morning chores with the #2 heir to the family collection
to get some pheasant chicks she has been wanting.
Might as well dip a toe or so in the ocean while we are then.....right?
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Did you know that eggs explode? I had one explode in a Bator one time, that was very nasty. Then today I put some eggs on to boil, went out to do one thing, then did something else, etc. Next thing I am picking eggs and I look at the egg and say"OMG!" I totally forgot about the eggs on the stove! I flew in the door, just in time to hear one blow up! Thank goodness they did not start burning and set the house on fire. Sometimes I need a keeper, I swear.
Anyone else sick of this heat already? We had a heat advisory today, probably more of the same tomorrow :p I kept going around to all the coops refreshing water and hosing down the runs so they would have puddles to stomp in. I hate seeing chickens with their beaks hanging open and their wings spread out. I did all the goat water troughs as well, had to keep going inside to cool off every so often. Did manage to clean out one of the brooders and screw legs onto it so it is up off the ground. At this rate, even if I turned off the bators, the eggs would hatch anyway!Two of my broody hens quit their nests today. One had another hen take over, but the other went to join another hen and left her eggs unattended. So I put them in the Bator. Might hatch.
How are you guys beating the heat?
Yes i'm sick of the heat too and we have a long way to go. I go out mid morning and water everything ,come in and cool off, go out and feed come in and cool off,start watering the plants ,come in and cool off,water again,come in and cool off ,milk the goats, lock up the chicken and come in and cool off.
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