Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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I know what you mean Deb.. I just hatch out 3!! my first ones since I was JUST A FEW years ago
Speedy little things..
Well the funeral went well and the pigeons did good . Last night me and my dog went out to close the pigeon pen and she went chasing something which i thought it ran off so i shut the doors and went to the store.When i came back i went back out to catch the pigeons and there was a large tom cat in there eating pigeons .It was one of my neighbors cat so i tried to chase him out but he would not go' So i got the dog in there with me and that didn't help either,so finally i went and got my 22 single shot and got him out of there.
Oh man, sorry about your pigeons . Cats can sure do damage on smaller birds like that. So far my volunteer barn cat has not eaten any chickens, but I leave feed out in case she gets hungry. I have not seen her remaining kitten, I hope it is ok.
Shelley, did you find your chicken that wandered off? My ameraucauna hen escaped from the tractor while I was feeding today, so I figured I might as well let all of them out. I worried about them all day, but I did catch them tonight and put them away safely. My Polish rooster never did show up, I guess something ate him.:'(
Quote: sounds so cute
Glad you got your chickens back in but sorry about your roo. Don't get too energetic if you are feeling poorly, maybe a visit to a doc would be in order???
Don't want you falling over. Do some pre-vacation exercises.......put feet up, sip lemonade and watch the day slip by.
Feel better soon

Wow Coach.............hate you had a cat in the loft.
Had that once too and was my own yard cat.
I ended up closing up my pigeons for awhile and hosing down the cat everytime he came near the loft.
It worked with him as he was still young. Hope that cat didn't get too many of your birds.
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No Deb.. we didn't find her.. I hate it too because she was one of the first group of chicks I hatched out.. there were 5 there are two.

Yeah, Coop, I did go to the doctor. You know how that goes. Had an EKG, but of course I was not having palpitations when I was there. So he did blood work, ordered a holter monitor. You never know right away, it is always wait and see. My insurance probably won't cover the monitor since it's not a wellness check. Now this morning my IBS is kicking me in the guts. Getting older is no picnic.
Shelly, sorry about your chicken. After all the hatching I have done, I just have one blrw, one mottled houdan, one of this, one of that. It's discouraging. Maybe she will turn up. I had a rooster once that was missing for 2 days and he just showed up again.
DH is out mowing the grass. I don't want to move, but must go check and see if more quail hatched out!
Deb.. take care of yourself..

I only had three tiny bob whites to hatch out.. going to the auction tonight so maybe there will be more eggs.. DH is going.. since this is the end of his vacation week.. he is up and running.. usually on Saturdays he comes in and is in the bed about the time I have to leave.. will be nice to share the experience with him

Take care everyone.. gotta candle some

Yay! I am up to seven baby quail now. Several different colors. One of the earliest ones grabbed a new one by the wing and was dragging it along. So I shooed him away. Mighty tough for a little bitty bird. Started to build the brooder, I am making it round. So I cut a big circle and cut out areas to put wire in the bottom. Painted the plywood and made a square frame to attach it to. Still need to make another circle for the top and another square for the top frame. Broke in the jigsaw I bought for my husband. It was still in the box sitting in his closet. He said it was a cool saw when I took it out of the box. Yeah, even cooler when you use it to make something!
How is everybody? It was HOT gere today.

Let me tell you a story. So, there is this farmer named Jim, aka mrheinz77, and he was putting a round bale out for his dry cows with the skid loader. In with the dry cows is a clean up bull that Farmer Jim doesn't like because the last 3 heifer that had calves by him have died due to the calves being too big and pinching nerves during calving (most recently yesterday). Needless to say he won't be siring anymore calves. Farmer Jim just hasn't had time to take him to the auction yet. Well, Shock, the bull, started head butting the bale so Farmer Jim decided to kick him in the head. Well, Shock's head is behind the uprights on the forks, which Farmer Jim didn't see. Farmer Jim now can hardly walk because he thinks he broke his big toe. Lesson learned, watch where you are kicking.
Farmer Jim also got a call today that his really good friends had a fire and their house burnt to the ground today. Luckily nobody was home, but there sheep dogs were stuck inside and died.

Farmer Jim hopes to forget today but has a feeling when he goes to walk it will all come back to him.
Ouch, Jim those broken toes hurt. Seems like when you have a broken toe , everyone has to step on it to remind you of how bad it hurts. I have broken several toes, one more than once. There's not much you can do except tape it to the toe next to it for moral support. And take anti- inflammatories. Maybe put some ice on it and elevate it.
Oh my! Your friend had their house burn down? How awful, with the poor dogs inside:'( I guess at least none of the humans in the family died. Hope they were well insured.
I nearly had a barn burn down once due to a heat lamp. Had a mamma goat and her baby in that pen, and I saw the smoke drifting along the edges of the roof. You should have seen me run! I flung open the door, and it's so smoky I can barely see. Got those goats out of there, had to grab a bucket of water to douse the smouldering hay. Luckily it had been raining a lot and the hay was damp. So now I build boxes around all the heat lamps to keep them from getting knocked down .
Those people are going to miss their pictures the most I bet. And their clothes. Those personal things you have had for a long time. I wonder how the fire started.
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