Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Back in the late 70s are house burnt down. But being newly married we still had some things in our parents house . But i'ts still sad and strange to lose everything you own.I mean the next day you go and get clothes-toothbrushes- and we where poor at the time.But the house belonged to my mom and we had renters insurance and we took the money with some parents money and bought our first house+6 acres at the age of 18. Things work out.
Good Morning folks

Sorry to hear Mr Jim about your foot and cow problems. I too have had my share of stomped toes with the horses, very painful and I agree with Hot, seems to take forever to heal and it becomes a big target for everyone.
I hope it heals quickly and you do not suffer anymore injury to it. My condolances to your friend, losing one's home can't be easy. I hope they find some peace.

So yesterday I went to what was suppose to be a chick only swap with my daughter and grandkids. It seems very few traders actually brought only young chicks or hatching eggs as was advertized for this sway, but then again there was VERY few swappers. I did manage to sell 3 dz. hatching eggs and that is all I had brought.

Glad to see your quail are hatching and amusing you Hot. They sound very cute.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day with no unpleasant surprises.
It was actually cooler today, but I am running low on energy so I did not get much done. I did work on the round brooder for the quail. Got the wire attached for the bottom. And I built the support frame for the top, cut out another half circle of plywood. Bottom section got painted.
Devil Goat yanked the chain off the fence post, went and ate all the leaves off both grape vines.
So I got a different snap for the end and took her and chained her to another tree. Her buddy, Louise was being a pain jumping fences, hope to get them off to auction in the next couple of days.
Just getting the critters taken care of took the rest of my energy today, what are you guys up to?
With the heat around here about all i do is feed and water too. But today i did get the big new pen in place and got the little beat up rotten one out[ i'll try to post some pics,but i'm not to good at posting--still learning--] and went with my wife and girl to see the last harry potter. It was great.
My #2 DD and I went to what was suppose to be a chick swap on Saturday. It was advertized as nothing older than a month and eggs, so I took 3 dz. hatching eggs and DD took 11 2-6 day old chicks and 3 dz hatching eggs.
There were a few others with hatching eggs, some with chicks, 1 man had a large mix of chicks ranging from 2 weeks to 6 weeks old. Everything else that other folks brought were feathered out and some were even almost full grown.
So much for 1 month old and less.
I did sell my eggs but I also bought 3 lavender pullets, a mix of Maran and Lav Ameraucana, so olive eggers.
I was looking for lavender ameraucanas but these will work into the program too...... just mean I can keep shopping for DHs lavenders.

Yesterday afternoon was my therapy day.......means I went riding on that horse.
and it really is physical therapy for me

Hope you all had a good weekend
Another steamy hot day in Tennessee . Worked some on my round quail brooder, it is coming together. More making sure everybody has cool water. The hens seem to be slowing down on their egg laying.:p
I am trying to give up soda. Down to one a day, but it is difficult. You keep getting the caffeine head aches.
I need to lose weight, and the caffeine may be contributing to the palpitations.
I thought I was done catching those young birds at night since I put them in the grow out pen. Ha! Little boogers all piled up in the corner to go to sleep when it started getting dark. So I had to go get them and stick them in the coop. Didn't want the coons to eat their heads off .
Time to wander down to the barn and shut the door for the night.
Caffeine sometimes doses the same thing to my wife . I'm sure i would die without caffeine. All i did was take care of the animals and took mt wife and sister to a dinner and movies. It was my sisters birthday. Tomorrow is my 35th wedding anniversary so i'll be busy.
Happy Anniversary, Coach. DH and I met in 1974, and married in 1978. So we have been together a long time. Don't know what i would do without him.
I have quit the soda a number of times, always end up going back to it. I get headaches from the diet variety. My favorite mixed drink used to be rum and coke, but my guts won't tolerate it any more:-( I am trying to drink more water. Better for me anyway.
So i went to the barn to close it for the night. Joel, my LSGD has eaten the cat food i left for the feral barn cat. He's asleep in one of the stalls. I have to go in and shove him and tell him to get out. He gets up, moves to the next stall over. "Out!" He gets up and leaves. The goats are happy to see me, and all come over to get petted. Lena is looking pregnant. I need to get more of the girls in with the buck, i don't want kids in February. They need deworming and foot trims too . Always something.
We got married in 1976 i think we where 17 and18 . I met her when she was 14.All i know as dirt was new and dinosores roamed the earth.Why dose's everthing likes to eat cat food,but not dog food?
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