Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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2 weeks ago baby chicks went for .75! Laying hens were selling for about $2.
Hi tay, hens are holding around 6 to 8 bucks each but half grown chickens are going for 3 bucks each. A nice couple brought about 125 barred rocks. They where great birds, half grown,3 bucks each . S he said they paid 3.50 for them as chicks and they take 20% commission out of that!
For $2. I will keep the hens. What is up with these prices?
Sorry your wife got sick, Coach, maybe she only relaxes enough to let the illness catch up with her when she is off? I know when I was working in a doctor's office, they never had anyone to cover if we were sick, so there was no point calling off work.
The worst thing about the devil goats is the fact that several of the other goats are doing the fence jumping thing now. I put 5 goats in the pasture behind the barn to feed them. By the time I drove down with the hay on the back of my Mule, 4 of them were already out, despite the fact I put another fence post in where they had been getting out. They just went to another section:he. Only Bella was a good goat and stayed in her pasture. She was yelling because she was the only one left in there. I also put another post in one other spot today, where I had added barbed wire on top but the fence was sagging so I fixed that. I was sure sweating after that. I am hoping when these goats get more pregnant they will stop jumping around so much. They youngsters are behaving themselves and my buck is being good so far.

I have eggs wrapped to ship tomorrow , and I need to get up early to box up chicks and get to town
night all!
The hotter it gets the cheaper the chickens get. It dose it every year around here,but in the fall they go back up. That's the part i don't understand. Yes ,one bad goat will teach the others.I hope they get so round they can't get out .
I guess people are going on vacation and don't want to worry about chicken sitters.
Oh, I have the best news, I am a grandma again, and this time it's a girl! They are naming her Mirabella Ann. I can't believe they had a girl, since both mine were boys and my husband has 2 brothers and only one sister. I always wanted a girl, now I have one to spoil! Vacation will be sweet, we get to see her for the first time!
Went for a mammogram today, so that is over for another year. The Drs office forgot to send the order, so they had to get it faxed over. Always something . I had to get up early, I never like that.
We had a little rain shower today, not even enough to wet the ground well, but with the clouds things cooled off pretty well. I had to turn the sprinkler on the garden again.
So I sold 20 chicks today and then the guy that was supposed to come get them finally called. I still have quite a few out there. Seems
to see the incubator emptying out as they hatch, and not putting any more in. This weekend is the swap in Jackson at TSC so I am going to that. I didn't sell any eating eggs last time so I won't bother taking them. Maybe some hatching eggs. And young chickens of course.
What is everyone up to, besides trying to stay cool?
Glad to hear that you got a grand daughter . Today one of are milkers died ,she wasn't feeling to well the last 2 days so my wife wormed her again. This morning she was laying on her side in pain and died and if that wasn't bad enough while i was burying her the other goats went into the fount pen and my dog chased them out and one of our best milkers ran into a wire pen and cut the top of her udder. It turned out that it wasn't a bad cut just a lot of blood. Bad day for goats.
Congrats Hot on the new baby granddaughter and selling the chicks. I bet you will get lots of cuddle time with that grandbaby on your vacation.

So sorry Coach about your milker. Hope things get better.

I can't wait for some cooler weather so I can get things done without sweating so much that I can't hardly see.
Oh my Coach, I am sorry about your cow. What do you think caused her to die? I have no idea what ailments cows get. DH said no cows for us, the poop is too messy:p if I were going to get cows I would want the minis, easier to handle.
Now I have a granddaughter, I can make all those frilly clothes I wanted to make when mine were kids! Lookout, a new Joanne's is opening in Jackson, and I get coupons!

Indeed, I am so wishing for cooler weather, this is ridiculous! You can't do anything outside without dripping in sweat. Just putting in 2 t posts had me soaking the other day!
Hot2pot the milker was a goat not a cow. We do have a beef calve that was raised on goats milk and thinks hes a goat.but no cows.
Hey Coach, I was wondering how you were going to bury a cow:gig. When I have a goat that dies, I generally burn them up since there is so much dead wood around here. Fortunately, we have been lucky lately. Knock on wood. I had a goat that ripped her udder really bad, and I ended up sewing her back together. Healed up real well too. Heck, I sewed myself up one day.
I was trimming feet on one of the goats. The hoof rot shears are very sharp and pointy. She jerked her foot, and the shears ripped into my leg! So I finished trimming her feet(didn't want to let her win). Then up to the house. I knew my tetanus shot was up to date. I also knew I needed sutures but didn't want to spend hours in the ER. So I cleaned up the wound, numbed it up with lidocaine, and sewed it up. Healed up real well. DH was impressed, he said he didn't know if he could sew himself up like that. Guess being a nurse comes in handy sometimes.
So today, I worked on the quail brooder some more. It is shaping up. And I started a new chicken coop.
I am trying to get up the energy to go catch some chickens for the sale tomorrow. Blah, the heat is taking my energy. I did put up more barbed wire today. But once I got into the sun, I ran out of steam. There is always more to do.
My box of eggs that went to Colorado made it. She said the box looked like someone sat on it. But luckily only 2 eggs broke:)
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