Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Coach, I was wondering what you were up to. How nice you got the things she wanted .
After I sold those goats today I moved the last 2 young ones, so now there are two kids out there yelling"MA!"
I am glad I sold those goats, my feed bill will be lower. Made DH happy too. I am happy with the chickens I bought today, cute babies and a roo for my polish hens.
Did you read about Jim getting locked out of his car?
Reminds me of getting locked out of my house by my poor Aunt with Alzheimer disease. She is in a home now, thank heavens I about went nuts taking care of her.:p
What a deal ! I used to go to auctions it can be fun. Now I just go to animal auctions.
So this morning DH went out and mixed concrete for the barrier in front of the garage, so the rain water won't run in and flood the place. I was amazed, he has not been doing much outside with the heat. I put together and painted the base for the new chicken coop. Just need to nail the wire on. He is out there now chopping the stump in the chicken yard that I keep falling over every night. I dug around it, I am so tired of stubbing my toes on the thing.
Peacocks are pretty, but DH would not like the noise they make.
So after his work putting the barrier in front of the garage today, I thought if it rained the garage would not flood. Wrong. I was out there feeding the animals and up blew a storm. I did manage to get the mule back in the garage without getting soaked. But when I went out after the rain stopped, there was water in the garage.:p And I have no idea where the silkie rooster is. I took a flashlight and searched, but no sign of him He was loose in the barn trying to get in with the silkie hens. With the barn door open he decided to see if he could find a hen in Chicken City. So now I have no idea where he is.:-(
Anyway, I need to see if I can find Brownie and milk her. I took her kid away so she is overfull with milk and I don't want her getting mastitis. I have so much fun!
Hey hot, i hope you find your silly silkie. Tay that's a great price on the peacock .We had peacocks for years but when we added on to the house they loved to stand on the porch and peck at the door and poop on the porch. Peacock poop is like glue so they went to the sale. Today i finished painting the wire spools and worked with the stone wall,i only worked a little on the wall and got way to hot. PS. i did set up lights to finish painting ,i wonder how many bugs are stuck to it?
OK, so I go out to find Brownie to milk her. Brownie was a first time mom with 2 kids when I bought her. The guy I got her from thought the proper way to catch and move a goat is to grab it by the hind leg and drag it along the ground! So needless to say, she is not really fond of humans. I go to the back garage where there are a bunch of stalls, and the goats go in there if it rains . Right away Brownie comes out and heads the other direction. I chase her into the stall and shut the door. She is not happy to have me touch her, much less milk her. She's bucking and trying to jump out of the stall. I go into press her against the wall, lift one back leg and milk with the other hand mode. I have a milking stand, but it's over by the barn and to drag the goat all the way over there isn't an option I want to consider. I finally get her milked and the pail is full. I leave her in the stall so I can milk her in the morning. It suddenly occurs to me I let the buffs out to forage before the rain started. I go look and there's a hen missing with her chick. I set down the milk pail to look for the chicken. I find her, soaking wet but the chick is happy and dry under her wing:) I pick up both of them and put them in the coop and shut the door. I go for the milk pail and it is tipped over. Typical. I do not have time to make soap anyway.

This does not want to post, ugh. Yes, I hope my roo shows up. I had a polish pullet spent the night outside last night and survived. The guard dog is out there, because I kicked him out of the barn.
Well, the way you milk brownie is the way i had to milk the goat that died. Don't tell my wife but i don't miss her at all. I hated that she died but it is a lot more peaceful milking for me.
I generally get rid of unfriendly goats, but I really like the nice topline this goat has. I kept both her kids and her son is my current herd sire and he is too friendly. Wants his head scratched all the time. His name is Jack, and his sister is Jillian. Both really good looking goats. I am going to breed Brownie to my young black spotted goat this time, he is getting big enough. I will be registering him. I really do like having the goats, I would miss them if I sold them all.
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