Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Well good for you. Me, I just wanna keep hatching. I have eggs galore, the fridge is full in the house and the one in the garage is filling up. I can't sell them fast enough . Plus people keep calling me for chickens. I am going to miss them when I am gone. And in two weeks the chicks will no longer be so little. I really need to get the quail brooder done, they are outgrowing their fish tank. DH says when are you going to start growing pinfeathers ?
I am trying out hatching eggs that were in the fridge.
I know someone who had done that and got most all of the eggs to hatch and they had been in the fridge for 2 weeks.
She also does the dry incubator thing so going to try that too.
I seem to be incubator challenged which why I use broodies.
if you are having a hard time hatching, why try eggs from the fridge? Try getting it right with eggs right out of the nest. Then go for harder challenges.:):)
Today I went to the post office and asked for special handling like Jim suggested. They never heard of it.
And that was the city post office, not our local one.

Last night I filled all the waterers and wading pans and buckets. Today when I got back from town I had another dead hen from the heat. This is ridiculous . They had water, and she died anyway. Plus they have shade. If I let them out to run around, the hawk kills them. If I keep them in the pen , the heat kills them. Ugh, I will be glad when fall gets here.
I stopped at the doctor's office and got the heart monitor on , so hubby will be happy about that. They couldn't tell me how much it was going to be, just said between $100-300. Kind of a wide range.
I have lost 4 chickens so far, to the heat. Like you, i have loads of water pans.I also water all the ground around them,buildings,everything. I also have 2 fans in the barn.Strange thing with the last 2 bunches of chicks, instead of having a heat lamp on them,i had the fan blowing on then day and night. By the way we don't care how much the heart monitor costs you are worth it!!!
Aww, you're sweet. Probably nothing but you never know. Lots of heart disease on Dad's side of the family. He recently had stents put in two coronary arteries. They always say nurses and doctors make lousy patients. I finally finished my continuing Ed units. Glad to put that behind me. Now I need to update my CPR certificate again . Always something.
So I bought three sheets of plywood today. I got a good deal, exterior grade for only $10 per sheet because they had strap marks on them.Then they had a set of three metal roofing panels that had been special ordered but not picked up. So they had been $28. but I got them for $10 each as well. A great find, because naturally I am building another chicken coop. In fact, I have the base built and the boards cut for the rest of the frame. And I bought the boards to build the run today as well.
Tomorrow I have 2 more boxes of eggs to ship, and I need to buy three weeks worth of feed for all the animals. Plus I need to get this monitor taken off in the afternoon. I went in to make an appointment to get it on, and they just went ahead and did it.
Yeah, I am hosing down runs and putting ice out . They have wading pans and waterers and buckets. Some rain would be nice. The fans run nonstop. Instead of heat lamps, I just use light bulbs. If they get a bit cool, it does throw off some heat . The chicks don't seem to mind the heat.
Great buy on the building stuff. I'm starting some more chicken sheds, i got to get them done before winter , I checked on some treated 2x4s that was laying on a flatbed trailer, that i bought 2 weeks ago and 3 or 4 of them have already bowed up on me,I got them at lowes and they will exchange them, but just something else to do.
So I have the truck loaded up with feed,and I will have to unload it in the morning.It was just so hot today,again. It really is getting old. I must finish the quail pen before they get out in the garage. Tonight I sanded part of the top and painted one side. All I need to do is the top and the door.
I should be able to get it done . Then I need to figure out where to put it.
I shipped two more boxes of eggs today. Picked up a cheap bread box today at goodwill for a nest box.Just need to take the door off. The silly silkies don't want to use a box, they have been laying on the floor.

Bought a big roll of chicken wire, and got some free skids from Lowe's. I needed some for repairs around the barn and building stands for the waterers. And more pans to put in the runs for the chickens to wade in.
What are you guys up to?

Just wanted to comment on the special handling that Jim mentioned. I checked with my post office and they said that they can do it, however the additional cost is $7.00 to $10.50 depending on where the package is going. This then puts the cost of mailing packages to over $20.00 which is a bit costly.

I know the one package I received packed like this was the best hatch I ever got from shipped eggs. I don't know if it was a fluke or not. The person that shipped the eggs to me didn't even request the special service or pay for it. One of the postal workers just did it. Don't we wish there were a few more postal workers like that.

Take care everyone and don't over do in the heat.
It was a good morning here. I have 3 fresh cows (well 2 cows and a first calf heifer with an outstanding udder.
) One cow had a heifer last night about 10 pm. This morning a cow morning one cow had a bull and the first calf heifer had a red and white heifer.
Today should be busy. I have about 200 eggs to candle, I need to work on breeding pens, and I need to take my bull to the auction. I need $ for feed. He isn't being used anymore because I had three heifers in a row have huge calves by him and ended up dying from calving problems. Now the last 2 calves were born with no problems that he sired.
I got sad news last night. My cousin's girlfriend had a baby the first weekend of June and it was acting lifeless so they took it to the Dr. The Doc said nothing was wrong. 2 weeks ago they took her to the ER and they did tests and sent them home. They called and said get her to Children's Hospital STAT. The found out that she has Type I Spinal Muscular Atrophy and they said she has 2 weeks to 2 months to live. My wife and both of her brothers have Type II SMA. SMA is a form of Muscular Dystrophy.

Well, I'll chat later,
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