Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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When I mentioned that you had to pay for this service to my Postal Clerk she was surprised. She did say some Post Offices have different fee's. She called the Cedar Rapids sort facility and talked to a manager and this is what they told her to do. They want happy customers. My Postal Clerk said she has been putting my eggs into its own crate already. Most of the eggs that I shipped from my own hens have been near 100% fertility.

Check with your small town post office. If they have questions maybe they could call my Post Office. (319) 938-2890 Ask for Sharon. The smaller Post Offices seem to be more willing to help because they want the business so they don't close. The smaller Post Offices don't seem to take any longer to to get eggs from than the larger Post Offices.

When I mentioned that you had to pay for this service to my Postal Clerk she was surprised. She did say some Post Offices have different fee's. She called the Cedar Rapids sort facility and talked to a manager and this is what they told her to do. They want happy customers. My Postal Clerk said she has been putting my eggs into its own crate already. Most of the eggs that I shipped from my own hens have been near 100% fertility.

Check with your small town post office. If they have questions maybe they could call my Post Office. (319) 938-2890 Ask for Sharon. The smaller Post Offices seem to be more willing to help because they want the business so they don't close. The smaller Post Offices don't seem to take any longer to to get eggs from than the larger Post Offices.


I got the sour clerk at my local post office. Maybe I will try again when I get the nice clerk.
OMG , I am so sorry about the baby! It does show that when you know something is wrong, you need to keep searching for answers. The doctor wants to see me tomorrow about the results for my heart monitor I dropped off yesterday. So I am nervous about that.
That special handling could work out if you had someone get several swaps at once. I am going to keep that in mind. Thanks!
It is crazy hot out there, heat advisory again . Everyone check your birds, water is so important right now. I just took a bucket of ice out and refilled waterers. Time to put a melon in the fridge.
Good luck at the Dr tomorrow. I had to wear one of those moniters for 30 days. I found out I have SVT. I just need to take Beta blockers. I found out when I was 30 (3 years ago).
So sorry everyone is feeling ill and in pain. Will say some prayers for the baby. Hope your Doc appt. has good news and answers for you H2P.

I asked today at the PO in our small town about that green label and putting the box in a crate by itself and the clerk had a " deer in headlights" look on her face and proclaimed she had no idea what I was asking about
That is the same look the guy gave me at the Jackson po.:-D Today I decided I really needed to get busy because I have too much work to do to sit in the house staying cool. I did attach the boards under the doors to the pens in the barn so the silkies don't squeeze out under any more. And I worked on the quail pen. I got the hinge connecting the semi-circle lid on one side. And I painted the wood for the other side. It dried in like half an hour in this heat. It was 102 degrees in the shade, not counting the heat index. And I attached some uprights to hold the round part in place. Still need to make the door. Maybe I will go out again when it cools off. I am never going to get that coop done before vacation:rolleyes:
today I went to the doctor to get my results. Mammogram normal, blood work normal. Heart monitor abnormal.:-( He said my heart rate was down to 42 at one point. So now I need to go see the cardiologist. Naturally, the one he prefers does not take my insurance. So as soon as I get back from vacation, I have an appointment . No wonder I feel tired ! I thought it was just working outside in the heat. I may need a pacemaker or more medication:p
On the way home I got another truck load of feed. This time for the chickens. I must have too many, because it was an awful lot of money for 2 weeks worth of feed. Apparently I missed a pullet last night when I put up the polish, so there were feathers all over today. Probably a fox took the poor thing. My only white one, you might know it wouldn't be one of the spare roosters. But if I had not let them out they probably would have died from the heat.
I built the frame for the door to the quail pen. And I bought the hinges today. So tomorrow it gets finished for sure. I also built a stand for a bell waterer and the bucket to supply water to it. Of course, I watered all of the goats and chickens again today. It actually ended up being cloudy so it was cooler than expected, thanks mother nature !
My list of things to do does not seem to be getting much shorter. What about you guys?
I worked like crazy all day to get stuff done so I can go on vacation. I came back in the house and put the dog out at 10:30. He has a fenced yard, welded wire but only a few feet high. I go back out and finish working. A little while later I hear the dog bark. I am still hammering on the pen. At midnight I go out to look for my dog .GONE. He always comes when I call him. Not this time. He was such a sweet boy, he didn't deserve to go like that. He was a little Papillon.
Probably that sneaky darn fox got him. I took a light and went along all the trails through the woods
no sign of him. What a way to start my vacation.:'(
Wow, my husband went out in his dog yard and called this morning, and he came running!
Charlie's back!! Probably sound asleep last night, scared me to death!
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We are on the road today . I spend most of the time sleeping. I need it after 2 hours sleep last night. Looks like it might rain .
I finally finished the quail pen, moved them in. They are so cute! I started a new pen for the polish. 8X8, No coop yet. But the tractor they were in was just so hot I felt like they might cook, though it had shade in the afternoon. I kept with it until I finished it. I got to use my new pneumatic stapler. It's weird though, danged compressor won't run off the extension cords well enough to power it. But I build panels in the garage and it was wonderful to have less hammering to do. So midnight last night the polish moved in. They are such sweet chickens, they never seem to mind getting picked up. Glad I got it done.
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