Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Sorry Jim about the cows. It is a hard decision and we have been in the same spot several times. From our experience, it is hard on the heart to see them go, however in the long run it has been for the best. We are shipping cattle this week also.
Ok, so our flight was delayed to Nova Scotia
now it is cancelled. No flights until tomorrow , after lunch ugh=P
:rolleyes:So after spending a sleepless night at the airport, I feel like I was run over by the plane. I am too old to sleep on the floor. That Duncan Donut tasted like heaven. I need a hot bath and a bed. Our flight isn't even on the board yet
So we finally got our flight to Halifax on this little dinky plane with about 30 seats. Weather was rough, rock and roll all the way! Then a big line up at customs. BIL came to pick us up. It was wonderful to get a hot bath. I went to bed early. It was cold and windy, and you go from the plane to the tarmac. Weird.
Today we went to town to get cash and bought paint for the living room ceiling and the kitchen. I got the ceiling painted today, except i had to repair the kitchen ceiling so it needs more work before i paint that. i think it has not been painted in the living room for 20 years, so it made the room look much brighter. My MIL can't keep her head up to paint the ceiling so i did it for her. I plan to get new kitchen curtains as well.
it is much cooler here, and not humid. Wonderful! She made my favorite desserts and bought my fav chips, you can't get in the US. Yum!
What is new with you guys???
I'm glad you got their in one piece. With all this rain it's been in to 70ths there in Arkansas all day,WOW what a day makes.A friend called me today and said his wife left him with the kids, He is going to sell a bunch of chickens at the sale Saturday--that's why he called me--if i had good sense i would stay home-- he has over 300 chickens most are show quality . So guess who is building more pens.
Oh, I wish i could go to that sale. I need some lav. orps. i only have a pair and the rooster is not happy about it. I hatched one blrw, a rooster of course.

Here i am in Canada. We had fish and chips last night, haddock so fresh and moist it was wonderful. Tonight we are going to have Chinese food for MIL and FIL's anniversary. They are such nice people, good to get a chance to visit. She refuses to drive to TN and he refuses to fly, so we don't get to see them unless we travel here. There will be a get together on Sunday for all the local relatives.
No news from TN, so i am hoping all is well. Costs $0.89 cents a minute to use my smart phone here, so i am on their computer instead. i miss my critters.
Sounds like your having a good time. My eggs from you went into lock down today. One is the Lav Orp. Also have RIR and BA that survived the crushing PO trip. The Buckeye and Buff Orpington never developed, but I'm surprised any did the way the PO treated them. Where did your Lav Orp come from?

Hatching today for me are BLRW, Blue/Black English Orp, and Lav Orp as well as some of my mutt eggs. I have bantam SQ Black Wyandotte and Bantam BLRW going into lock down tomorrow.

Well, the cows have been moved to a neighbors farm. They will feed and house them in exchange for the milk. I will take them back during their dry period and keep the calves. I will help them when I can. It actually gives me more time for my poultry. They milk about 150 cows. It took us four and a half hours to milk this morning. When my cows are broken in to their system I will only help out from time to time.

I just sold 5 bull calves and 2 400 lb steers to a student's dad today. I was going to try to feed out the steers and butcher one and sell the other to pay for the butchering but with the price of feed, the money is more important. I finally went to the Dr for my toe. He sent me to a specialist to see if I needed a pin. Good thing I don't but I do need to wear the imobilazation boot for 3 more weeks and get an X ray in 2 weeks. 3 years ago I slipped on ice at school and broke my elbow. I had 3 screws put in. Well, the elbow has been sore when I bump it so I had my Dr X ray that too. The tip of the screw is sticking out of the bone. I see a specialist about that Aug 26 to see if the screw needs to come out. Its always something. Well, I gotta go feed the birds before I go help milk again.

I hope all are well.
Chinese dinner was yummy. We went to a second hand store and i got a cute little animal carrier with a wire top that will be great for chicks. My Lavenders came from a lady who was selling all her show stock at Scotts Hill. I also got the Coronation Sussex from her.
Do you know HBueler? She is selling her flock of Lavs and they are some nice looking birds. She is in Lebanon.
No, but i should find out. I have a coop and run with two chickens in it!! He needs more girls. I will have to get with her when i get back. Thanks! Deb
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