Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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We had a great Pyrenees he was a great dog but kind of dumb.He would sleep a day and roam around all night and he had to make the rounds up and down the road every morning. A car finally got him.The best memory of him is when you told him to set, he would look at you for a while then slowly set down,like it took awhile to sink in.We had no predator problems when he was a around.
I have one G.P. already, but he is kind of deaf and 10 acres is a big area to guard. He liked the other dog we had, but she ran away. He refuses to stay inside the fence but never goes too far. He does chase big trucks sometimes which I wish he would stop. But mostly he hangs out under my truck during the day. He is very much in need of a bath right now, which he hates. I cut more of his fur off today, it is just too hot for all of that. He puts up with me for a while then gets up and leaves. I swear he weighs about 150 pounds so it is hard to stop him when he decides to go.
Orange paint---i don't know what to say about that?---My coop is 8+12 and i'm going to build 2 of them, Hopefully before winter. I have a huge pile of used sheet metal .So metal on the roof with thick cardboard under it for insulation then osb siding with tar paper on it then sheet metal on the out side, Open fount facing south. It's 6 foot tall and 5 foot in the back i'm never going to build a short pen or coop again , I have put up with it for years and i'm getting to old to stoop over and scrape my back on the way out, By the way at my wife's syfy book com the average age was mid 50s and older .Maybe it looked like you were hiding chicken hatching eggs somewhere is the reason you where scanned twice.
Well, I buy whatever is cheap. It is out in the back pasture and you can't see it from the house or the road. The paint is just to preserve the wood. Bright colors don't bother me at all and the chickens don't seem to care.
I wish I had eggs to smuggle!
No contraband, it is just not worth a hassle.
I am still building short coops, mine are small but you collect eggs from the exterior and I make a big door so I can feed and water easily. The runs will be 8 feetx8 feet and 3-4 feet high depending on which wire I buy.
We have a pair of Great Pyrenees. What you explained is very typical behavior for the Pyrenees. They do their job at night when the predators are also mostly out and about. They sleep or I should say rest during the day because they still can show up in a snap if something is amiss. They are very indepedent and some think that they are dumb because of this, however his slowness in sitting was him deciding if it was worth his time in doing it. They are not johnny on the spot with commands and forget it if they are in their guard mode. I adore this breed of dog and they fit well on our ranch. Ours also will get out our 160 acres but they don't go far. Generally, when they are off the ranch it is because they are after a coyote. Sorry your got hit on the road, he must have determined that was part of his area to guard.
It's funny because when we were younger, a friend of ours had a G.P. We swore we would never get one because theirs drooled so much and shook his head, then those big ropes of goo would go flying . But ours doesn't seem to have that problem. Of course at that time I was keeping tropical fish and they didn't need guarding.
They brought over our new dog and I can't find Joel to introduce them:rolleyes: Anyway, I gave her a bucket of water, a bowl of food and tied her to a tree in the shade. Once she gets the idea she needs to stay here , she should be ok. I am excited, I wanted a chicken guarding dog.
Today I started painting plywood. The color looks more like Sienna brown than orange when it dries. Painted the nest box to match. I took the shower door down to get an idea how it will fit. Get this! It is a perfect fit, and I never measured to try and make it fit! How lucky is that?!? And there will be enough room on either end to let the chickens get out into their runs. Once I build them, that is. I wanted to go to town today but dh thought I should wait until tomorrow since I have to go to the cardiologist anyway. I caught a couple goats and put them with the buck, and took one out that had been there a while. Introduced the goats to the new dog, they just stare .
Like, what the heck is that and why is it here?
Glad you had a great vacation. Did you buy the flock from Holly? I saw where you had bid on some eggs. I like the Lav color but mine are silkies and AMs. Hubby has already put his foot down about addl more colors are okay..right@>@>>?
Sometimes you luck out,like with the shower door.By the way,i how it's not a see through shower door,that would be embarrassing for the chickens . Me and my girl got the rafters up on the old pens to coop redo and moved the new coop frame into place. It's starting to shape up. The young chickens are really looking good,they where stuck at the same size for a long time and then all of the sudden they took off growing Tomorrow i have to go get more lumber,why dose it always take more lumber than you planned?
Not yet, I need to pay my pet sitters and get a coop ready. Plus I have to go to the cardiologist tomorrow , I am kind of worried about that. She said she was going to keep them anyways if they start to lay, with my luck they did.
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