Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Hey Jim, thanks again . You can see the right side has the two flaps open and the left is in the closed position. Each section is subdivided in half. I actually put chicks in there tonight because it is getting cold outside. So all the chicks are either in the barn or the garage. Yippee ! I hatched more silkies today and a Silver Sussex. Tomorrow is the day to set by the full moon, so I am putting 48 more eggs in the Bator.:) Did you see my quail auction?
Wow deb, you even paint your brooder ! Mine are plain plywood in the barn, painting them are not even on my to do list. Today i shoveled out the 1200 pound box of feed into bags and put it into the feed room. To bad the box doesn't fit. Later, me and one of my kids loaded my 16 foot trailer and the fount of my truck for a garage sale we are having at her house in town Friday and Saturday. We also got another antique booth that we are filling Sunday. I'm already sore the next few days wont be easy, fun maybe. I'm not getting much done around the farm, all the chickens are doing great and i got to go to a chicken show last Saturday which was fun.
Hey Coach, good to hear from you! I do paint darned near everything . Brightens things up, and I can scrub them off much easier.
The chicken auction in Scotts Hill is this weekend so I am going to that. I need more laying hens. Everyone wants eating eggs. I am selling more hatching eggs, which is great.
Wow, that brooder is nice. How many can you fit in each compartment? Dimensions please. Lol. That is so much better than my fishtanks and playpen. Looks like it would contain alot of the dust as well. And I might be able to put it out in the barn. lol. No more chicks in the basement, I can dream right. lol.
The overall dimensions are 3'x8'. Each of the four sections is 2'x3'. The bottom is wire so no bedding needed. I just rake out the bottom area every so often. I would think you could put 2-3 dozen in each depending on age . Glad you like it. I modeled it after one I saw on byc
I sold four dozen eating eggs today and got another phone call. I need more chickens! I have a lead on a flock, hope to get them Monday.
I moved the old goat house about 16 ' today, so I am about half way to where I want it to be. Moved another batch of chicks into the brooder in the barn. The quail are laying well, started an auction for their eggs today. Set a tray of 48 eggs in the Bator. Supposed to be a good day to set eggs by the moon. It is so pretty tonight, but cold out there.
I sold another two dozen eating eggs today. I really do need more laying hens! Worked on converting the old goat shed to a coop . Daryl helped me move it to the other side of the pasture where it will be easier to access. Then he went and cut down a tree. He seems to do that every weekend.
Tomorrow is the sale at Scotts Hill, so maybe I will find some decent layers there. I don't plan to take many to sell because the prices are crappy. Hopefully I will get more time to work on that coop.
I know what you mean Deb.. my eating egg market is gearing up and I have a small waiting line for eggs to fill the orders from my fellow teachers..luckily my hens are putting out a few more than this time a month ago..but I would still like to add 5-10 mature laying hens.. my poor hubby wants omelets..I say.. "sold 'em all"

I am heading to our auction tomorrow night.. gonna take at least 4 roosters.. my hens are tired of all the romance in the free range flock!! Hoping to pick up some more hens/pullets that are nice size.. All my incubators are full.. I have some of Deb's eggs on lockdown now.. hatch day is the 13th.. I am so addicted to hatching.. it is a shame for sure.. but something about those little fluffy butts that are irresistable!!!

Well off to lock up chickens..

Hey Jim, Would you post the pics of the quail duplex if you still have them? Karen would like to see them. Thanks!:)
Here ya go. Quail Breeder Pen

Before it was done.

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