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I'm so eggcited I had to share. This is the first egg I have gotten from any of my chicks I started with this year. Now I have 1 less free loader but it means I need to get my Welsummer pen done.


You had better get busy, fellow. Maybe I could get a trailer and subdivide it. I really need to build nest boxes and a quail feeder so I can get those guys moved. I have three boxes of eggs to ship in the morning.
I guess the lady with the blue orps sold them . She never got back to me with the info to get in touch:-( But on a good note, i have a lead on a flock of Ameraucanas:-D
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I have 9 partially finished pens. The Gold Laced Polish pen is the furthest along. The next is for the Wellies. I was going to use it for NN but decided I'd rather seperate the Wellies first.
I have been considering which goat sheds the goats don't need any more. The problem is, they are spread all over in different pastures and most of them don't have electric. Ah, now the buck pen is near chicken city, and it has a small shed that would make a good coop if it had a window. And a run. I could put a flock of polish in that if I fix it up. Projects galore. I still have not got the sink set up in the warm room yet. Hope the weather is nice tomorrow . Want to finish that hay ring chicken run.
I almost everyone on here.. needs more coop space.. DH asked what I wanted for Christmas and my answer was another chain link dog pen and both it and the other "old" new one constructed by Christmas Eve.. well for the present one.. I would be happy with New

Jim.. I have 19 Wellsummer chicks that are two weeks old... at this rate.. I will be looking for first egg this time next year...

Deb.. I am looking foward to a trip to see you in the spring.. I can't wait to see all of what I have read about you building.. you inspire me and make me tired just reading about your day

It was in December last year when my very first chicks were hatched out.. believe it or not.. one of them (a Black Orp) still wasn't laying a few weeks ago.. I bought a small flock from Nancy (Bargain) so hopefully when they are all cooped together - Blue/Black and one Splash with a blue and a black roo.. she will get peer pressured into

So DH told me I didn't need a Chicks for sale sign out by the end of the road. I made it and put it up anyway, in the direction he does not drive much. Today I had some people show up and bought over $50 worth of chicks. I guess my sign spoke for itself.:-D
DH helped me work on the run , and he figured out a different way to make the door than I had planned. I like it better. Still, even using the zip ties, I am not going to be happy until I wrap it with wire. I need to make a little tunnel for them to go from the hay ring into the coop, I'll make it out of wood. I had to quit working on it because it was getting dark and I had to get everyone fed.
Also shipped three boxes of eggs today.
I am with Shelly. Deb inspires me then makes me think my gosh did I do enough today. We finally got our last two updated coops completed yesterday so I spent today separating birds so I can get purebreed eggs again. Now all I have to do is get them to start laying again. I really don't like this time of the year with the additional darkness and I guess they don't either.

My White Orpingtons are starting to lay again and a couple of my Lavender Orpington pullets started laying two weeks ago. These birds are in the heated & lighted barn so the dark doesn't affect them as bad. I am counting the months til Spring already.
Oh shucks, Ann, I just try to do what needs to be done. Actually had to rest today because I let myself get dehydrated and it took the wind out of my sails. I sold three pullets today, and wrapped four boxes of eggs. That takes a long time. DH worked on the new run, did a good job wiring the mesh to the top of the new run. Now I need to dig a trench and attach a skirt. Just a short area of welded wire needs to be attached to the outside. Plus somebody has to build that tunnel. I felt like a slacker, but I know everyone has to rest sometime. I did set another tray of 30 eggs today, including those lovely ones Jim sent. You are going to be swimming in eggs soon , fella! Gotta love it:) Tomorrow I hope to pick up a free 8x10 shed, DH says it will take too long to be worth it. I may have to disassemble it to get it back here. But it could make a double coop real fast once I get it back here . I have to drop off 6 dozen eating eggs, and a bunch of hatching eggs in Jackson. Going to be a busy day.
Grandson is out of surgery... all is well.. although he is fussy as you might imagine.. now to get ready to get my sons move finalized...

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