Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Yup, they are feather footed but not like a Cochin. The should only have feathers on their outer toe.
Sebrightmom, you have room for bantam Langshan, don't you?
Thanks for the feedback! Now that I learned how to post pics, I plan to post lots:-D Jim, I tried to track your eggs, their site is useless
Not right now, but I might as soon as the addition to my barn in done. I can't wait. I will have a few pens to fill that is if I dont' make more pens of the birds I already have.
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I thought you'd want to swap some Partridge Silkie eggs for some bantam Langshan.

I have them sold for the next two weeks. Maybe I might be interested after that. I will keep intouch.

I just love trading eggs. I love getting new blood or breeds.
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DH said he would work on an outdoor project today. He cut down and chopped up two trees. He doesn't want to help with the grow out pen in the barn because there are too many cobwebs:-D its a BARN! I did build the top section for the door and paint it, then attached it to the lower part of the door. Need perches, a cover for the heat lamp so they don't perch there, latch for the door , feeders and waterers. Then it will be ready to add chickens.! Gosh, I am tired! No pipping or peeping on the NYD hatch eggs, I am afraid when the door popped itself open, the temp dipped too low:-( Maybe they will just hatch late.
Thanks for asking, Jim! I finally got her back. You know a Siamese is not feeling well when she is quiet the whole trip from Bolivar to Finger. She normally meows a lot in the car. The vet said it was a mast cell tumor. It may reoccur where it was or pop up elsewhere. She has been resting all day. Hope she fares well. DH didn't even complain about the cost!
Well I did something to aggravate my back, ( maybe shoveling all that gravel?)and now I am suffering. But things still need to get done. I did manage to finish the grow out pen in the barn, and transfer the birds into it. Started cleaning the old goat shelter we are going to make into a coop, but my back was too sore had to stop. After a muscle relaxer and a rest, i cleaned out some of the insulated room in the barn. Hope to finish tomorrow and move the chicks out of the garage into the barn. Got a call on my Craigslist ad for quail, may end up selling all of them, to concentrate on chickens. I can use their condo for bantam chickens:cool:
The cat is resting and quiet, seems to be doing well. DH got the dog all stirred up and running around the house and knocked over a basket of eating eggs and broke every one. I was less than impressed.At least all my eggs were not in one basket:D He wanted to play with his helicopter santa brought, but it was too windy today.
The beautiful warm weather we have been having is coming to an end, colder tomorrow. I locked Nina the pregnant goat in the stall tonight. Last nightaround 3 am i went out and all of the goats were outside. The "guard dog" was asleep in the stall.
Hopefully if Nina has triplets again I won't have to bottle feed one. It is expensive and time consuming. But, you do end up with a very tame goat.

Tomorrow i will be wrapping eggs, and other assorted chores. DH has to go back to work Wednesday. Today he was telling me a lot of the fences need repair. No kidding!
We have goats!
One of my new Buff Orpington hens:
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