Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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It was so hard , getting up at 7 am, but really I should have gotten up sooner. At least i got some of the birds into cages last night. They had a lot of birds there, including turkeys, a goose, appleyard ducks, homing pidgeons, chickens, plusbunnies, a goat, pigs.... Any way, prices were better than last week but not as high as I hoped. I sold a truck load of chickens, and got more than I spent on chicken feed this week. Too bad the sale is only held every two weeks. I only bought 5 chickens, a pair of Splash Cochin bantams and a trio of Mille Fleur colored OEGB. When I got them home, I took the pair of Coronation Sussex out of the former quail duplex and modified the feeder and installed a perch. My new trio is living in there. The cochins went into a cage in the barn so I have a chance to watch them for a while.
I moved the Black Australorps into the coop down in Guinea Town, and the Buff Brahmas got the coop where the Lavander Orps used to live. Now I have two empty chicken tractors to clean out. I have major coop cleaning and bird dusting to do, the whole barn needs it. Oh gosh, I got two eggs from the Trio of Silver appleyard ducks at the sale! Holderead stock the guy said. I was talking to the owner and he let me have the eggs.The ducks themselves were quite pricey, I never saw any bring that much at that sale. And I got Cayuga duck eggs the other day, plus I have some mixed duck eggs I set on the 2nd! If they all hatch, it will be duck central! My swap eggs from Beth came today, some lovely Polish eggs! I need to replace some of my hens as they are getting older, so I am thrilled. I already hatched out three from another swap of her Polish, and three BLRW. Hope they all make it!Bunny is the only goat that has not yet kidded.....
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I went to the sale today and came home with 15 month old welsumers for 3 bucks each and it looks like 1 roo and the rest pullets.Also 1 rir hen for 14 bucks,i need more laying hens because we are selling and setting all of my eggs.Hatching like crazy and i'm all ready running out of room.
Sounds like a good deal to me, Coach! It was a beautiful day today, and DH was very helpful in working on the latest dog house to coop conversion. I built it big, 4 feet square, because we have a great pyreneese. He never used it though, so we figure we might as well. Daryl got the frame for the run finished, and nailed on half the roof until we ran out of chicken wire again. He made a door for the coop and cut a pop hole. Then I made a window and he helped install itThe perches got installed in the coop and the run. It was so funny, because the run butts up against the Polish run, and those hens were so interested in what I was doing. One was standing not 6 inches from me, watching me paint. This will house the Gold Laced Polish, so that will empty out another grow out pen. I still need to build the feeder, install a waterer, and build a nest box.Plus I need to bury wire around the perimeter. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, so maybe I can get it done then. I do have eggs to pack, though and need to go to the post office.
Looks like you all made out well at the sales!

Bunny is very pretty, white with tan polka dots.

We docked the lamb tails today. And fixed one eye that had entropia. DH is skilled at clipping the eye lid to get it put in the proper position. One more ewe to lamb. THe marans hens enjoy going out in their new run. THey are learning to be patient while I left and lock open the pop door. One usually tries to make an escape thru the human door I'm leaning thru, so I kick up a foot to remind her to stay in. Moved one of the marans rooster in to the house, that is , my house. He has been limping though I con't see any obvious injury. A little R&R for a while may help him reach food and water and improve his chances of recovery. Put up my first BIN listing. Will see how that goes. Have a couple other buyers for the Easter hatch a long. I should be able to set a few eggs for that myself. Kids are back to school tomorrow.
Hey guys, I have a question about selling on ebay. I sold some blrw eggs and it is showing that the payment is pending. How long does it take to go through. It seems as though mine goes through right away. Anyway, this buyer has never bought or sold anything before... I have a feeling this has trouble written all over it. :( I thought I had checked the box that is suppose to help keep people like this from bidding on my stuff!!! I was going to ship today, but certainly not until I get paid! Any tips or input would be great.
Hi bhen, this happened to me and iv'e been selling on ebay just this winter.First you have to contact buyer and tell them that they need to pay soon. Then file a unpaid claim ,but ebay gives 3 or 4 days to the buyer before you can file.After a long while ebay will refund your posting fees.Like i said the same thing happened to me on my third sale,i just put the eggs in the batorIf they did pay i was going to seen the8 day old eggs.
Did Ebay change their policy about hatching egg sales?? I thought I had read they were favoring the buyers in some way. LIke holding back payment to seller until eggs received by buyer. Seems to me if a seller gets a number of bad reports buyers will avoid that seller.

I would like to sell on ebay too. Have I been worrying over nothing, Coach?
Yes, Ebay does not give you your money up front, you have to prove you mailed the items and then wait for your paypal money. It's probably because of their buyer protection plan. Last two auctions I posted there did not sell/ If you want the money the quickest way is to print your postage from their site. Or enter your DC number asap. I am very sad about how the auctions are going here. Mine are slowly selling, but people do not get how to bid and so are reluctant to do so, I think. Good luck, Deb
Does ebay in anyway tell you that the buyer has submitted payment for the seller? I know I don't like to send out anything without payment first.

I do find this new format challenging. Hopefully more people will figure out how to use it. I had invested in my stock because the old system was well received and popular and FUN!

You just reminded me that I should include instructions to PM me. Better get that done right now.
I had an eventful weekend. Let's see.. started early Saturday morning with a text about availability of some laying hens.. that turned into a phone call..then another phone call.. and then finally the "we are on our way" phone call. Met with this nice couple and their two children.. they wanted four hens.. so spent alot of time talking about chicken habits/care/feed and all. They went home with two BO, 1 Dominique and 1 EE.

I wanted to catch some roosters to take to the auction but I always cook supper first.. so the family doesn't starve while I am gone.. so after my morning with the chicken folks.. my time was about up to get the needed early start to ensure my chickens would be towards the front or at least middle of the group to be sold.. waiting too late means yours are towards the end when people have no money. Prices were still high.. I wish I had a bunch to sell.. but I am doing pretty decent from the house,.. sold $215 worth of hatching eggs, chicks, hens and a ROOSTER.. only about FIVE more to get rid of.

So far I am having semi-decent success with ebay although just selling on a small scale.. no problems with money.,. just newbie chicken folks with lots and lots of questions.. I was there once so I try to be patient..

Since I snuck on here at school.. I am going to sneek back off and dismiss my children.. no afterschool work for me today.. yippee

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