Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Good score on the bubble wrap!!

I have one package to send out today. Have been trailing the EE around, they are hiding their eggs somewhere . . . .found a nest of three eggs under a thicket of wild roses. I did manange to push aside a fe branches and brave the poky scratchy thorns. Got three eggs, one warm. ANd lost my shirt as it pulled right over my head as I backed out! It was worth the blue egg for todays custmer. The search continues. With 8 hens, should be more eggs somewhere . . .

Deb, glad you got the tooth fixed.

How are your grain prices? Mine went up this week.
So I have a question do Easter Eggers count ? I have a light Brahma rooster over them So I was wondering if I wanted someone's eggs could I offer those up???
okay cool :) was wondering cause I saw on like Large Fowl only and on the Online Crazy egg chain Easter Egger mixes :) ... I'll post them on the designer breed page... :)
You can offer them as an alternative, but you have to have at least one type of purebred LF to offer on the LF chain. So for example, 6+ Barred Rock or 6+ EE X whatever breed of rooster.
I went to town today and resisted buying chicks at two different places! I am going to have to stop at Co-op and get chicken feed again tomorrow when I ship eggs. Got two boxes of eggs in the mail and a box of stuff from the WYG swap, thanks, Pauletta! Tomorrow I am setting eggs, including a turkey egg I got on Saturday. I need to do some major house cleaning:p My son, John and girlfriend are coming this weekend. I was so wasted after shopping today I was too tired to feed so I waited until after supper. I want to clean my carpets but idk if I can. Record heat today, up to 82 degrees!
I'm with ya sister! 82 here today in Arkansas too. Amen, dry up some of this mud. I need to work on my carpets....Maybe this weekend when I don't have my granddaughter. What are you doing next Thursday or Friday? Was thinking about coming that way.
DH comes calling that I need to come help the black ewe lambed, and its getting cold. WHAT??? She didn't visit with the ram!! Not possible. As I pull on vest and lined shirt my mind races back 5 months. No answers there, Still waiting for 4 ewes.
I can't believe that Slim will be 8 weeks old on Tuesday! Time to dc the bottle feeding soon. The lady came and picked up her two bottle babies today, so their mamas are out there yelling. Bunny is turning out to be a good milker, too bad my hands cramp up when I have to milk. I used to have strong hands, but since the carpal tunnel surgeries, not so much. I want to go to the sale at R&J tomorrow , but I can't see myself getting up early and loading all that . I rested today, hoping to give my back a break. Just did some laundry and chores, plus carted some buckets of sand to mucky runs. Well, I thought I rested. I did watch a movie. It was.raining anyway.
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