Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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I fed all the babies this moring and took off to a furneral to let my white pigeons go,i charge 150 but they gave me200 .It was nice to get a big tip,Helps the feed bill.
It is a natural thing, they return to their home territory. I believe they navigate according to the magnetic lines of the earth. It is going to really screw things up when the polarity reverses again.
Deb is right about the pigeons and they always go back to where they hatch.You can take them to a new home and when they have babies,they will go back to their new home.But not always.
ok, not sure what swap thread i got these on but wanted to post the picture.
i got guinea eggs from Frenchtoast.
when i opened the box i was shocked.never got any wrapped this way before but it worked.

has anyone ever heard of easter egger guineas?lol

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That is an interesting way to wrap, would prevent crushing .
Today I got a dog pen for $40.! I am thrilled about that, instant run and I already have the frame made for the coop. What a deal! The down side is I got a flat tire on my truck, probably in the back barnyard. But I did manage to back up the trailer, which is a feat at the best of times.
Took three bucklings to the goat sale today, I did not stay so idk how much I got. The doeling got her crown off today, so she was stuck in the fence twice. At least she is getting used to being handled.:-D
note to self:: set goose eggs today, 25 days to lockdown
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Counting chickens is strictly prohibited . However, I have about 25 coops, a barn full of pens , ten brooders and 5 fish tanks, two cabinets, a brinsea and three styrofoam bators:) see, I never really enjoyed math so I avoid it at all costs. Pauletta has seen my chickens, she probably has an idea. The total changes daily as chicks hatch, are sold etc.
I don't know how many chickens i have either,but i do know how many pens and coop i need to build.
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So tell us, Coach , what is the plan?? I sold my RIR, but have heritage RiR chicks. The Black Aussies are going soon, my Lav Orps need a coop.
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