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I put a paper towel in there and and put food in on it. She still doesn't eat it or drink the water by herself. I don't know what to do!
That is a good idea i'll give it a try. I think she might be eating a little because she is pooping but I can try that too! Thanks so much for the suggestion.

How can I get her to drink she has no one to show her how?
I wouldn't force feed it anything yet. It's a baby chick and like other said it can last 72 hours just fine. Let it rest quietly and just show it water a few times. Forcing it food and water when it is fragile can cause it to choke on what ever you are giving it. It will take about of day of peace and quiet for the chick to gain strength to want to move and eat. you have clear glass marbles?? They reflect the light in the water, and will get her attention. Plus keep her from going in too deep. Get the clear glass..sorta flat ones. Good luck with her!
Do you have a mirror you could put in with her? In this case, I would put it next to the waterer. Once the chick has had a little while to get used to see a chick in the mirror, try dipping it's beak in the water. Hopefully when she sees the chick in the mirror drink she'll want to to. Many chickens have that monkey see monkey do mentality. If nothing else, the mirror will let the baby think she's not alone.
I put glass marbles in the water and saw her peck at it once and she never did it again.
nat, if you can...evey once in a while...shake the waterer.....or tap on the marbles. She will get the hang of it. Maybe she is drinking while you are not there looking? How old is she now? Is the water clean, cool?? They dont like warm water. Could this be the problem? Nothing in the water....right? Just plain old water.

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