Only two hens

Any suggestions on type to find? Mostly, those are just pets to me. Would want them to get along with Bella an Danni.
If yours are mostly pets, I would stay away from any hybrids that are bred for high egg production. They tend to have more reproductive issues.
Maybe leghorns, Rhode Island reds, Orpingtons, Autralorps... really a lot of possibilities. 😊
I’m sorry about your loss. I would try to keep five just in case, as mentioned above, one or two passes.

Orpingtons, Australorps, and Cochins are my go to for pets. They tend to be very docile and friendly.

However we do have a frizzle (looks to be Cochin decent.?.?) that will walk right up to us and talk to us. Even let’s us pet her. Our frizzle rooster does this as well. I’m hoping to get chicks from them to get more.

Note: not frizzle to frizzle

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