Ontario Chicken Keepers (PSO Members List)

Hi im new here! but know lots of ppl on this post! hi guys! I keep a few different breeds. I started for meat and eggs but have recently gotten bittin by the breeding to the SOP bug (but not forgetting about production qualities) and have aquired some of the best top quality RIRs in Canada and I am focused mostly on keeping them as they were created! I also breed Beltsville small white turkeys and most recently Jumbo coturnix quail from James Marie Farms via Perry Schofield here in Canada and oh I finally got my first eggs from the quail yesterday!!! WOOOHOOOOO

QS... no it wasnt hacked but it was shut down by the web host and forced to be rebuilt in order to be more efficient... iv been talking to Erin and this is what happened... the site was using a massive amount of bandwith on the server but it wasnt "real bandwith". the pm system wasnt compatible with the new format and there was alot of users that had open pms and alerts (lurkers) which caused the bandwith problem. Erin has finished rebuilding the site and needs to be approved by the host before it comes back live. She dosent think they work weekends and dosent expact it back up and running before Tuesday IF they approve it. all the info is still there nothing has been lost but Erin is pretty stressed about the whole thing... PSO is advertisement free and runs on the very little donations she excepts only when needed... PSO does not have a dedicated server and dosent want one... to expensive for a totally free site. Erin has done everything shes can do, its all up to the host now.

take care!

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Erin is working on getting a new server. PSO should be up & running next week.

Oops! Nevermind...thegawd has the scoop!
Congrats on those Jumbo quail.
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Hi im new here! but know lots of ppl on this post! hi guys! I keep a few different breeds. I started for meat and eggs but have recently gotten bittin by the breeding to the SOP bug (but not forgetting about production qualities) and have aquired some of the best top quality RIRs in Canada and I am focused mostly on keeping them as they were created! I also breed Beltsville small white turkeys and most recently Jumbo coturnix quail from James Marie Farms and I finally go my first eggs from the quail yesterday!!! WOOOHOOOOO

QS... no it wasnt hacked but it was shut down by the web host and forced to be rebuilt in order to be more efficient... iv been talking to Erin and this is what happened... the site was using a massive amount of bandwith on the server but it wasnt "real bandwith". the pm system wasnt compatible with the new format and theres was alot of users that had open pms which caused the bandwith problem. Erin has finished rebuilding the site and needs to be approved by the host before it comes back live. She dosent think they work weekends and dosent expact it back up and running before Tuesday IF they approve it. all the info is still there nothing has been lost but Erin is pretty stressed about the whole thing... PSO is advertisement free and runs on the very little donations she excepts only when needed... PSO does not have a dedicated server and dosent want one... to expensive for a totally free site. Erin has done everything shes can do, its all up to the host now.

take care!


Welcome to BYC, thegawd!

I'm SO VERY GLAD to read this. Thank you for updating here. FRF was on the Ontario thread, not sure what was up. I'll make sure to link your response in the other thread so people can see this.

I wasn't sure if it was a hack at first but I'm glad that's not the case. On the first day I did see that PM issue & was really confused why it kept mistaking me for another user. Esp with the way my browser & cookie control is set up. I did see the brief message from Erin later in the day about bandwidth issue, but when the site went down & was re-registered I thought maybe the bandwidth problem was caused by a DDOS. It's very common, even with small & local sites so I couldn't rule that out.

Erin needs to make donations more accessible; her site is just getting too big & beloved to have us all lose it!

Please give her a hug & tell her to get some rest soon. You're right it's up to the host now. I hope they'll approve of the changes.
no problem at all everyone, glad to be of service! ya im definitely having withdrawal symptoms and my battery on my phone is lasting longer than half a day! LOL ;-)

iv gotten lots of info from this site over the last few years but never signed up... i didnt realize how many of us our actually on here.

have a good one everyone!


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