Opinions please?


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
What do you guys think to this?
Any help would be nice. I'm going to have a max of 3 miniature silkies in here. Theres 3 perches in the bottom left, should I move them to the top area (I can only fit two in there), and leave the bottom as a snuggly bit? The bottom right section is going to have a door (not drawn in yet) so they will be locked away in the whole house at night. Both the roofs are slanted.

The run will be detachable. It's just to keep them in while I'm out, otherwise they will free-range around the garden under supervision. But I know there's a few cats wondering around nearby that I don't trust.

Click to enlarge

The highest point on the house is around 3.2', each floor being 1.6' high. The length is 5', and the depth is around 1.2' (does it need to be wider?) Which means there would be 8ft² for 3 birds needing a minimum of 1ft² each

I already have the run from an old hutch (which is the same size as the block on the right, but I'm not sure if I'll extend off of that or just start afresh.

Anyways, let me know what you think

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i would move the roosts to the top & put a nest box in the bottom.
just my opinion since i dont raise silkies & have no experience with them. but looks like a nice set up.
My boyfriend drew it for me, I have no idea how to lol, but yes, that is the programme above.

Altered it slightly:
Both roofs are now slanted to the back
Perches are at the top
And a "bedroom" at the bottom.

Do you think the depth needs to be more?
It would be easier to run the roosts 90 degrees to the way they are, so they're from wall to wall (rather than needing a support stuck in teh middle of the floor). Won't affect the chickens, but easier to build.

Also in the 'easier to build' category, is there a particular reason for making the whole assembly L-shaped, b/c it will be significantly more work and materials that way. It would save wood and time to put the coop at the end of the run (where the solid wall and little roofed bit are now - have the ramp come out into run instead of across short axis of it), because that way the coop and run would share a wall. Your access doors would then be on the back side.

Just a thought, nothing wrong with the way you've drawn it if that's what you prefer, have fun,

Hiya, the reason it's built like that is because I already have the run from a previous hutch

So it's just the coop I'm building.

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