opossum in hen house!

Great story! That sounds like something my husband would say! Wow...do you think it could have survived that? ACK!!

Since we've had our chickens we haven't seen any predators trying to get into the yard which is fenced, the run, or the coop. But last spring there was a huge raccoon out back. I still haven't figured out how he got in there and tried to watch how he went out but he went all the way up to the back of the yard. To be honest I was afraid to go out there not knowing if he was sick or what. My dog was having fits wanting to go out.

If I do find anything going after my chickens I will not hesitate to dispose of it with whatever means are available. Good job, OP!!! I am hoping Santa brings me a bb gun... I know... "You'll shoot your eye out!" And then hope to graduate to the "real" thing.

I think I can shoot straight if I don't have to shoot far!
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After the opossum in one coop and a coon in another, I am wary of leaving the pop door open from dusk on even though I've seen no signs of predators around this new coop. Last Thursday I attended my granddaughter's Christmas program. Because I left before 5:00, the chickens were still out. I tried unsuccessfully to get them inside, but I fear the grandchildren made the situation of corralling the birds even harder with their 'help'. With three girls still out, I left with the door open.

No way I could enjoy the meal (prime rib) and concert! I was so worried about my girls and roo being open to danger. First thing after getting home I raced to the coop. The light was still on and the chickens had yet to go to roost. Whew!
Yes and no. They'll kill it, but they only eat the soft insides, not the whole bird. That's how you know it's a possum and not a raccoon.

They don't need to be killed. They do good work in the world. Clean up all manner of rotten refuse. Don't carry rabies and questionable on other diseases. No record of attacks on humans. That does not mean that that if you grabbed one, it bit you. Don't grab it. let it go,and it will....go. but very slowly. That is why they don't have rabies, slow metabolism and low temperature.

If a possum can get in, serious strong preds can get it, fox and coon at least. Possums are the easy guys. And are easily deterred.

Possums are not diggers or pullers. They have delicate human like hands with nails that break easily. Would you be able to force your way into the coop? hmmm?

I research, as a horse owner at a large farm over 100 head, it was a concern. Was it equine encepelitus? turns out its really really difficult for a possum to transmit to equine. Horses do it themselves with or without possums. I can find the research to back, but not right now. :)
I went out to the chicken house to turn off the lights last night and as I was approaching I could see something walking alongthe floor of the empower run. I thought it was a mouse but once I got up to the run it was gone. I noticed one of my girls that likes to sleep on a roost in the run growling towards the chicken house. I ran to the door, flung it open and there was a opossum climbing the roosts heading right for my chickens. Luckily I had a broom close by and was able to knock it off the roosts. I flung it out of the house and into he run. I ran back to the run with broom in hand and chased all my chicks in the house and closed the trap door. Once chicks were safe hubby came out and shot the opossum. Talk about being scared. I am so glad I went out there when I did. Who knows how many chicks I may have loss.
That has happened to me several times. I occasional go up a bit too late to lock up the girls and the ugly face of a possum greets me. I just grab them by the tail and smash their head on a rock, i used to let them go but they seem to happily give it another go the next night.

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