Ordered Chicks for farm pick up but how do I get them home? + negative Nacies suck....

Yesterday was the big day and we ended up having quite the adventure. The weather didn't really cooperate it was clear for most of the trip but other times... We drove through blowing snow that became a white out, freezing rain and sleet that froze up the windshield and a few stretches of very icy roads... There were very, very few people on the highway with us so at least we didn't have to worry about others driving.

The whole trip there and back took over 12 hours including stops and the time we spent at the farm. The chicks were in their transport box for about 6hours for the trip home and came out of the box in really good shape. They ate and drank right away then snuggled up under their ecoglow 20 and went to bed. I had brought electrolytes, food, water and heat packs along, but I ended up not using any of it and leaving them alone for the trip home. I also resisted the urge to peek (well... We peeked in once lol). The lady we bought them from told us they would probably settle down and sleep most of the trip home, and that if we took our coats off and kept the vehicle comfortable for ourselves they'd be fine. I expected crying chicks that were hungry cold and thirsty on the way home but they were not. They did settle down and sleep or at least stay quiet most of the way home.

I checked them over as I transfered them from the box to brooder and there were two that seemed a bit weak. They were 2 of the extra chicks we had picked out and a bit smaller/younger than the others. I put them in close to the water and they drank like they were very thirsty then I tucked them under the ecoglow, one of them later came out on their own and started eating and drinking the other didn't so I pulled it out twice more and it drank both times. I wasn't sure if that one was going to make it, but I was happy to see this one eating and drinking by itself this morning. Yay :) The water I gave them was just barely warmer than my hand and I didn't add anything extra to it. I'm going to keep an eye on the one but I think they're going to do well.

As for the people I had mentioned before, they came over to see the chicks and commented that they'd never gotten such nice, healthy looking chicks from the hatchery.

So the story will continue.... But the journey home was a success :)
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So happy to read this! Enjoy them. I'm looking forward to getting ours in another month. It's nice to read such a happy (and adventurous!) account of getting new chicks. 12 hours is no joke, but I bet they will be worth every minute.

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