ordering from JMF


7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
Those of you who have ordered from JMF... is it better to just call and order? I sent an email to the address listed on the website but haven't gotten a reply back yet. Just curious which others have used.
The best way to reach the farm is by calling. E-Mails are answered when time permits due to almost all being just for general information and questions about raising Quail. Someone sent over 40 emails in less than 5 hours because I didn't answer them right away. Then decided to call with 37 missed called in less than 2 hours when I didn't answer right away. I don't carry a phone in the production room because of noise level and water.
The best time to reach me is between 4 - 6 pm. I'm back at the farm everyday now and working on getting the few orders cleared up that were back ordered or did not ship as scheduled. We are booked up on most all types till Jan. 1st.
But you may call to check availability.
That sounds like some sort of odd ball you've got calling you James!
On a different subject, did you ever finish / publish your collection of different Coturnix names/ colours that you were compling. I'm interested in it still!
His name is Robby BTW, easy mistake to make. I'd almost volunteer to go down and help him out for free just to pick his brain. His is a busy man.

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