Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

pistol is on the list of people I PM'd about attending. She hasn't posted for awhile so I wanted to double check especially since she ordered 4 cheesecakes!

Lol and you I knew I should have PM'd you before I posted the update
We just wanted to say hello to everyone as we have not been on here in a long time.
We had become full time care givers of our elderly grandmother that was severely handicapped and has alzheimers and dementia along with all the other work of running the ranch. Sadly Grandma had a major stroke and passed away a few weeks later.
Our life is now returning to normal with a more reasonable work load, so we just wanted to update everyone on our status as far as the swap (didn't know for a while if we were going to be able to make it).
We are happy to bring birds to the swap for anyone who contacts us directly (I really apologize but time has limited out ability to check PM's on BYC). Please just hit the email link on our website or [email protected]
We only have ducks, Anconas and Ancona mixes, some guineas and some Silkies, possibly some SQ stock blue Ameraucanas.
We are not offering goat cheese for sale, sorry.
We are looking forward to visiting and shopping.

Thanks, Jennifer
PS- Forgot- looking for Muscovy ducks, New Zealand or Californian Rabbits, Narragansett Tom, Silkies, BLR Wyandottes and Columbian Wyandottes.
We've received some feedback about the bison meat so we will be bringing some in coolers. It will most likely all be frozen. Burger, steaks, and roasts mostly. Let me know if you're looking for anything in particular.

Also, our turkeys are BBW but they are hatched from eggs by us, we have them on pasture and they are feed a non-corn. non-soy grain and are of course antibiotic and hormone free.
There you go Laura! now you can keep track if Louis' babies squeek like him (since Critters kept track an Hawk is a pullet)

That's true Tiffany! Critters, how is his crow? I ask because Louis was bred to only squeak when he crows. I have been wondering what his offspring would be like.

And Heather....

I am sorry we won't see you at the swap but totally understand! Can't wait to hear how everything goes!

Ok, I "THINK" you could call it sort of a crow or at least asperations of a crow. He squeeked ONLY and I kept running in to see whose leg was stuck. Nope, just crow/squeek. Now he has a rusty nail sort of short crow. I'll try to record it before the swap, lol.
That's true Tiffany! Critters, how is his crow? I ask because Louis was bred to only squeak when he crows. I have been wondering what his offspring would be like.

And Heather....

I am sorry we won't see you at the swap but totally understand! Can't wait to hear how everything goes!

Ok, I "THINK" you could call it sort of a crow or at least asperations of a crow. He squeeked ONLY and I kept running in to see whose leg was stuck. Nope, just crow/squeek. Now he has a rusty nail sort of short crow. I'll try to record it before the swap, lol.

Lol ok...it will probably be hard to tell how it will really be until he is older. I am just curious if this trait is going to be passed on to his babies or not.
Yay!!! you did it! They are so personable as babies. I never let myself get close to the babies I had since I had a broody chicken hen to raise them. But I wonder if I had, they would be less aggressive with my chickens. I just can't do separate pens for everyone, since it is too much for me physically to keep up on. Everyone just has to get along or move along out here. oh well.

On the brighter side....

I have 12 new adorable baby chicks!!! Tweedle D decided to hide some eggs to hatch since her sister Josey did it 6 weeks ago, and hatched the same number of chicks, 12! Both girls are 8 month old Black sex-link and Buff Orpington crosses. Josey looks like a Barred Rock, and all her babies came out black-some now have spots, and several have black combs. TD has the Barred butt but her head and neck are gold with black specks, and her babies were all mixed colors. They are so cute, and I will post pics as soon as I can. I will be bringing Josey and her babies (which looks like only one roo out of 11, {one was killed by a turkey}) to the swap, but I think I am leaving TD home. They are just too cute!

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