Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

List Updates: (already on the website, just not on the list here)

"Chiquitita Farmer"

-Possibly 1-2 Silkie Roos
-Homemade earrings

-Australorp hen
-Maybe a Silkie hen
-Whatever else catches my eye

Non-BYC List--

Kara - Vintage/Repurposed coop decor, hair bands and bows
I will also be bringing onesies that are hand dyed and screen printed with a little chick on them. Most are hot pink with a purple chick but there are some that are brown with light pink or light blue chick on them. My niece and I made them, they aren't perfect but she had so much fun making them.
My Little Sister's Farm :

I will also be bringing onesies that are hand dyed and screen printed with a little chick on them. Most are hot pink with a purple chick but there are some that are brown with light pink or light blue chick on them. My niece and I made them, they aren't perfect but she had so much fun making them.

I want one! My daughter is due in 2 weeks. How much are you asking? and if trade/or partial is a possibility let me know and I will message you my have's. I can't say what color until I see them. She will absolutely love it! I just found out at her baby shower that she is fondly know by her friends as the chicken and duck girl, I am so proud!​
I took some new pictures today of the extra roosters I have available for the swap. I thought I'd post a few here for you all to see. You can see more photos of these guys on my facebook page here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.166794100074943.45484.156195471134806&type=1

the boys.








Hopefully at least a few of these boys find good homes. I wish I could keep them all....they are so silly.
Your roosters are magnificent!
If I could have more, I would want one. Well, at least 2... or 3... Why do roosters always have to be so cute?

*Sigh* If anyone needs a darling Speckled Sussex cockerel who is child friendly let me know. I have 3 lovely boys who are too sweet to eat.
Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex :

Your roosters are magnificent!
If I could have more, I would want one. Well, at least 2... or 3... Why do roosters always have to be so cute?

*Sigh* If anyone needs a darling Speckled Sussex cockerel who is child friendly let me know. I have 3 lovely boys who are too sweet to eat.

Yes, I know, not only are roosters cute, but they always have such big personalities too! If I had a huge farm I'd fill it with roosters!
Yes, I know, not only are roosters cute, but they always have such big personalities too! If I had a huge farm I'd fill it with roosters!

Me too!!!
Yes, I know, not only are roosters cute, but they always have such big personalities too! If I had a huge farm I'd fill it with roosters!

Me too!!!

Me three!! Oh, wait, I've kind of already done that!! LOL But hey, I sold 4 roos this week, so that makes my number go down to 23! Of course, there are the new chicks.......
Me too!!!

Me three!! Oh, wait, I've kind of already done that!! LOL But hey, I sold 4 roos this week, so that makes my number go down to 23! Of course, there are the new chicks.......

Me too!!!

Me three!! Oh, wait, I've kind of already done that!! LOL But hey, I sold 4 roos this week, so that makes my number go down to 23! Of course, there are the new chicks.......

I think I actually may need to update my Serama offerings! I sold 8 tonight (welcome Alexis to the world of Seramas
) and I have a pair on hold from my latest hatch. That leaves me with 2 roosters - which I am thinking of keeping, my silkied frizzle and black and white mottled frizzle - and my two almost POL pairs from July. I'm excited!
Anyone interested in a Serama needs to be quick....they seem to be going, going, gone!
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